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Edited by admin, 10 October 2005 - 02:11 PM.
When is vista coming to the shops?
You mean you actually WANT Vista ....
Guess some people are out of their minds!
It's like asking for ab ullet in the head!
Edited by SlitUrNek, 14 October 2005 - 01:01 PM.
indeed lol, USE LINUX!, or windows 3.1
almost all the drivers are out there.The first time I tried to install a Linux distro it would not work with my modem. Actually Linux wouldn't work with 80% of the modems in computers because they were "software modems". The next time I tried Linux (Ubunto) I couldn't get it to work with a wireless adapter. I searched the web looking for a driver or a way to adapt a windows driver but all I found were people like me, also looking for a workable driver. Linux is not ready for prime time. It's great fun for programmers and other geeks looking to kill time but if you want your computer to work - no matter what the hardware is - Windows XP is your choice. It's fun to bash Micro$oft but Vista is going to be the next OS for most of the computing world.
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