Official release. Version:
Release date: October 10, 2005
File name: SkypeSetup.exe File size: 7.2 MB
10.10.2005 version
-change: voicemail check box was made to wrap text in order to fit longer texts
-bugfix: Some Japanese text did not display correctly on Windows 2000
-bugfix: improved communication when detecting contacts voicemail and call forwarding privileges
-bugfix: Yen mark was not displayed correctly on Skype client
-bugifx: receiving calls from users starting with a dot produced an error
-bugfix: entering an invalid character to voicemail check box produced an error
-bugfix: importing contacts from Visit Card produced an error
-bugfix: ring sound never quit when answering a call by joining it to conference
-bugfix: starting a chat to yourself using Skype link produced an error
-bugfix: 'promote add to contacts' dialog was missing
-bugifx: Swedish EULA was missing in new user creation form
-bugfix: API access control list was unusable with high DPI settings
-new language files: German (Claudius Henrichs & Dick Schiferli) French (Fabrice Imperial) Portuguese Brazilian(Anna Nyström ) Hebrew (Ronen Ben-Naftali) Russian (Viktoria Randalainen/Tatjana Kruti) Turkish (Emin Dede) Hungarian (Mark Bender) Bulgarian (Nikolina Filipova, Nikolay Filipov)