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Google Earth Beta 3.0.0693

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Google Earth 3.0.0693

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New Features
- A faster, better disk cache mechanism has been added. Upgrading from
Keyhole 2 or pre-3.0.0464, you will lose your existing disk cache.
This is unavoidable, but should not happen again for a couple of years.
NOTE: Your myplaces.kml file will NOT be lost.

- Geocoder, Local Search, and Driving Directions are now integrated with
Google's search engine. The last 10 search entries are remembered.

- 3D buildings are currently available in 38 US cities, try San Francisco.

- You can "drive to" and "drive from" any placemark, icon, or MyPlaces entry
using the right-click context menu.

- Search Results and MyPlaces now have a "snippet view," showing the first
two lines of the description.

- Streaming performance (updating data via the network) should be greatly
improved. Server infrastructure at Google helps, but the software has
also changed to take advantage of it.

- A new filetype, KMZ, is available. KMZ files are KML files that have been
zipped up along with their related files, such as image overlays. This
means that you can share image overlays and custom icons without having to
publish the files on an external web server or mail them as an attachment
with the KML.

- More flexible tour mode: touring a line (e.g., the route from driving
directions) or touring a folder is now possible. Folder tours allow items
to be checkboxed visible, but not be included in the tour path by limiting
tour points to only one folder (checked or not).

- The description now appears in an on-screen balloon instead of in the side

- Web page results from search and URLs embedded in description can now be
viewed in an embedded web browser (or, via options/preferences, in the your
default external browser)

- Rolling over an icon highlights the label.

- Double-click in the 3D view to point-n-zoom: The old single-click
point-n-zoom mode has been moved to the options/preferences panel, but
double-click on the earth and you will zoom in to that point.

- The transparency slider now appears only when an image overlay is selected
or when a folder of polygons is selected.

- A new Latitude/Longitude grid is available.

- A new overview-view is available from the View menu. Use
Tools->Options->Navigation to adjust its location/zoom.

- The installer now has option in to specify the install directory, and the
location for the dbcache.dat file and myplaces.kml.

- The "High Res Places" and "World Places" menus have been removed and a
small sight-seeing list has moved to the default_myplaces.kml file. As you
will see, tracking the high-resolution places in new Google Earth data has
gone beyond the list stage.

- New mouse controls for tilt and rotate. These controls are accessed by
pressing down on the scroll wheel (or middle mouse button). To tilt the
camera, hold the scroll wheel down while moving the mouse up and down.
To rotate the camera, hold the scroll wheel down while moving the mouse
left and right. To rotate without tilting (e.g. to do a 360 degree
rotation), hold the shift key and scroll wheel down while moving the
mouse in a circular motion around the center of the screen.

- A new/old G-force mode has been added to navigation:
Drag using the right mouse button to control acceleration/deceleration.
Drag using the left mouse button to control pitch and yaw.
Switch modes using Tools/Options/Control or use Ctrl-G (GForce mode) and
Ctrl-T (regular trackball mode).

- Google Earth can now be installed without administrative privileges,
this applies to Free/Plus only.

- GPS data can now be viewed in Google Earth, either directly input from
Garmin/Magellan devices (including Garmin USB interface), or by using
.gpx or .loc file loading. (Plus/Pro/EC only)

- Draw Path and Draw Polygon are now available, including extruded and
at-altitude items. (Plus/Pro/EC only)

- You can now select lines and polygons. Use ctrl+leftclick to select the
object and show the balloon description. Use ctrl+rightclick to get
the context menu (which will allow editing).

- Style Templates can now be applied to "Import..." data and existing KML

- You can perform batch geocoding of street addresses using the Import menu
item to import a .csv (comma-separated values) file (Plus/Pro/EC only)

- Significant speed improvements in High-resolution Printing and Movie

- Icons and lines can now be displayed at altitude. Icons at altitude can
have a "stem" connecting them to the ground.

- GIFs (non-animated) can be used as overlays and icons.

- ICO (.ico) files can used as icons.

- Folder open-state is now remembered.

- Layer-enables (eg: terrain, lodging, earthquakes) are remembered between
runs of the software.

- Measure mode now optionally disables mouse navigation to simplify the task.

- IMG SRC can now be used in the Description field and the image can be
either http:// (remote) or C:\ (local). Local images will be included when
you send item as .kmz.

- Movies can be saved as sequences of image files.

- Movie Maker now has a 25/50 Frames-per-second (fps) option.

- A KML spec has been published, see http://code.google.com

- A Find option has been added to help location named items in MyPlaces, this
is accessed using Ctrl-F.

- The embedded web window can now be opened with a vertical split

- The network link icon color/animation now reflects the status of the update

Please read Release Notes found in program "About"

Beta Software - use at own Risk!

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