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[font=Comic Sans Ms]can one web server read a cookie that another web server sends to me?
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I see this is your very first post...welcome to GEEKS.
I found this on the Internet and I think it might answer the question you just asked.
If not, other help will be on the way. :tazz:

Cookies are short pieces of data used by web servers to help
identify web users. The popular concepts and rumors about what a
cookie can do has reached almost mystical proportions,
frightening users and worrying their managers.

PLATFORM: Any platform that can use a modern web browser.

DAMAGE: No damage to files or systems. Cookies are only used to identify
a web user though they may be used to track a user's browsing

SOLUTION: No files are destroyed or compromised by cookies, but if
you are concerned about being identified or about having your web
browsing traced through the use of a cookie, set your browser to
not accept cookies or use one of the new cookie blocking
packages. Note that blocking all cookies prevents some online
services from working. Also, preventing your browser from
accepting cookies does not make you an anonymous user, it just
makes it more difficult to track your usage.
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Adding some more information along with the above message.

The vulnerability of systems to damage or snooping by using
ASSESSMENT: web browser cookies is essentially nonexistent. Cookies can
only tell a web server if you have been there before and can
pass short bits of information (such as a user number) from the
web server back to itself the next time you visit. Most cookies
last only until you quit your browser and then are destroyed.
A second type of cookie known as a persistent cookie has an
expiration date and is stored on your disk until that date.
A persistent cookie can be used to track a user's browsing
habits by identifying him whenever he returns to a site.
Information about where you come from and what web pages you
visit already exists in a web server's log files and could also
be used to track users browsing habits, cookies just make
it easier.
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User preference but I tend to delete cookies and other tempery stuff from my computer once in a while, I do is:

press: the botton with the windows sybol together with the r botton
type in box: inetcpl.cpl
press: delete the cookes(or whatever those words are in English)

at the same time I also delete the files(botton of the right of the first one) and alsoI delete the history(botton bellow the two others)too

but as I said it is a user preference since one the one side people can't see your footprint
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Milk is pretty good with cookies (in real life).
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No, I think that with tea is better combination :tazz:
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