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Quick Audio Preview

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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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If you decide this will be of use to you, please set a system restore point before you make the change required

When you try to play an audio file in Windows XP , it defaults to loading up Windows Media Player, which is a bit time consuming when you're searching through a number of different files. Luckily, you can change this behavior so that Windows XP uses a different application that loads up and plays quite quickly. Here are the steps for making this change:

1) Open Windows Explorer and choose Tools > Folder Options > File

2) Scroll through the list to find the audio file type you want to
change. For this example, choose WAV.

3) Click the Advanced button.

4) Click the New button.

5) For Action type the word Preview.

6) For Application type the following exactly as shown: C:WindowsSystem32Mplay32.exe /Play

7) Click OK. Click OK again. Click Close.

Now when you right-click on an MP3 file from within Windows Explorer, you will see a Preview option in the pop-up menu.

To preview a file, right-click and choose Preview.

To close the preview application, just hit ALT+F+X on your computer keyboard
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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that's pretty handy kieth..thanks for the tip..
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