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Tech Podcasts

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So I'm wondering if any of you guys here listen to tech podcasts... I listen to a few myself, and would always love to find more... So go ahead and post which ones you listen to (if any) and what you think of them...

I'll post what I listen to-

TWiT - This Week In Tech - Great podcast for getting current news, and though I'm not crazy about Leo, Dvorak is unbeleivably funny at times.

WHT - We Hate Tech - How could you not like this podcast? Extremely entertaining while having some useful info at the same time....

Security Now! - Haven't gotten to listen to any of these yet... Anyone know if they're any good?

Diggnation - Again, haven't gotten to listen to any yet...

DLTV - Digital Life TV - Same as above two... Not enough free time yet....

I HIGHLY reccomend listening to We Hate Tech if you want 50% entertainment, 50% tech news...
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lt b0ngo

lt b0ngo


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Ok love TWIT and I have heard one episode of security now. It was good they talked about how someone has developed a machine that can work out what you are typing just by the sound of the keys. I'm about to go onto Itunes and look up WHT thanks for the suggestion. Don't really know any but try the engadget podcast.
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Chris Prillo (the lockergnome) has a good one:

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