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says its avi

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i have recently downloaded a video file.

it has the extension .avi but when Media Player starts it up it says it has an un recognised file extension and asks me if i still would like to play it.

It plays fine if i say yes BUT the file is corrupt and get a C00D11C5 type error and stops playing. it plays fine if you drag it on a few seconds after where it stops in the film

On running this file through Arcsoft showbiz DVD 2. it shows what media player cant but it has abreak in audio.

i'd like to fix the file but not knowing what file it is (video fixer said it wasnt an avi) is getting in the way. i need to establish what it is....
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Numb Remxed

Numb Remxed


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open up a folder and go to tools-->folder options-->view-->uncheck "hide extensions for known file types"

That will show the real extension.

If it's an avi, you most likely need a video codec such as divx: http://www.divx.com
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You could also open it with an applicatioin named GSpot and find out if it is what it says, and what codecs it needs. Sometimes such files will be zipped or RaRed versions of the original and you have to rename and unzip them.
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