-Fixed: Crash when burning with EQ on, or with any DSP/Effects plugin enabled
-Fixed: [in_mp3] id3v1->id3v2 track# copy glitch
-Fixed: [in_mp3] crash when playing mp2 files with 'fast layer eq 1/2' enabled
-Fixed: [out_ds] Volume shows as "f dB/f dB" in config > Status tab
List of Winamp 5.112 Known Bugs - as of Nov 2005
Note: Some minor bugs are listed in the internal bugtracker but not listed here.
-High cpu usage when stopping/pausing music whilst Milkdrop is running
-GDI Object leak with Current Skin prefs page (info)
-mms:// video streams are still broken with in_dshow, if filename.ext isn't specified at the end of the url, eg. mms://mplay.donga.com/bbc?.wmv or maniatv or jazzradio (just enters endless buffer loop and never plays). *
-32bit float point WAV playback distortion (info)
-JTFE 0.96ff - hitting J hotkey twice causes ghost JTF skinned window to appear (occurs only when "Skin JTF..." is unchecked in Prefs). [fixed in latest dev build] **
KNOWN GLITCHES (Bugs? Or Unimplemented Features?)
-Winamp 2.x/5.x doesn't read ID3v2 tags in streaming mp3's (info)
-Known issues with in_vorbis.dll can be found here
-in_mp3 Info Editor shows aacPlus as LC-AAC 22050Hz (instead of HE-AAC 44.1KHz)
Temp Section: 5.112-specific Bugs
None known at this time
* = fixed in latest internal builds
** = fixed in latest jtfe test build
Available Versions