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Which of these 3 video apps to use?

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Got my new system up and running, now to decide
which video software for getting video off of a
videocam and onto a DVD.

I've got XP, so have WinDVD, it's an ASUS Intervideo version (?)
I've got an ASUS board and it came with ASUS PowerDirector
I've also got the Ultra version of NERO

recommendations as far as the easiest to use
and which does the most?

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Retired Tech

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Will you want to do anything particular with the video between transferring it from the camera via the PC to DVD Disc
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    Retired Staff

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Check out this post for some information on all the common video editing software around:


If you want to edit, Premiere is the best. It also cost the most. But its well worth it.
If you just want to capture, then import to DVD, go for windows movie maker 2, export it as an avi dv quality (ask me how to do this if you dont know) then use ulead dvd movie factory 2, 3 or 4 to make a DVD with that avi file.

Have a look at the list, and get back to me if you want in depth details on how to do things (capture, export at full quality, make dvd at full quality, etc).
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Nothing fancy, but at least take segments I want and
remove what I don't want, maybe fade in/out, maybe
mix sound/voice, although I can do that to some degree
right on my camera, at least the voice dub over.

Maybe also make lighter/darker, maybe a few basic
special effects, but nothing fancy.

Easy to use is also important.

Awhile ago I tried a Ulead app, I believe it was an early
one, and I found it impossible to figure out. Fought with
it for 2 whole weekends and got nothing.
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Looking closer at my choices I have in hand,
I think the ASUS Power Director seems like
JUST editing software.

I had a limited version of the Nero before and it
seemed fairly easy to use and that the full version
was decent for downloading, rendering, and putting
video onto DVDs, so will probly give those a whirl.

Thanks for the input!
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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You could do those with Movie Maker 2 and Nero and I would practise with those to see if you need anything more advanced / more expensive
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