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Cant open new ASP.NET project

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When I open a new ASP.NET project, I get an error message as shown in the attached screen shot.VSError.jpg

I've tried executing the aspnet_regiis -i command from the Microsoft.NET directory and it said

Finished installing ASP.NET (1.1.4322.0).

Then I tried restarting my IIS and it still wouldn't work :tazz:

Any idea's?? :)
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did you check if that path points application folder which contains solution file? just make sure click on "..." on the picture that u attached here and if the path correct?

did you create that application on your visual studio? you create it another machine , or you get that application from somewhere else....??
and did you move application folder from some place to other place?

find out if the virtual directory is exist on iss for your application if it is not create it(under default websites)...

you have to find solution( open it with notpad) file (.sln) in the application folder and there should be path check if that path match with virtual directory name on iis under the default websites if it is not match you have to chage the name of path in solution file.

just check above everything...because in your case probably problem is one of up ...

take care
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I've checked all that. I'm actually trying to open a new ASP.NET project not open a previously created project.

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check this page out, i hope it ll help you....not first section last section.

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Whr shud I add the permissions?? To the folder RecipeWebsite02 (see screen shot) or sumwhr else?? I added the user ASPNET and gave it full control in the permissions list of the above mentioned folder but still I get dat darn error message.
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i dont know if you solved problem or not if you did thats good to hear.... but if not ...it is about the path....
when you go to default web sites in iis and open the properties the home directory defaultly is set
c:\inetpup\wwwroot (in your case check where is yours point check the path.is supose to be F:\AIUB\Windows Programming\Windows Applications\) and after than find if the virtual directory is created for your appl or not, probably not.....because as you said you are trying to create new appl.

there is a application called RecipeWebsite02 app. whic is not exist now under F:\AIUB\Windows Programming\Windows Applications\

so vs cant find the path to create new project "RecipeSite"... And when you are creating "RecipeSite" you are getting that error in the error window just change the path to
F:\AIUB\Windows Programming\Windows Applications\

this will fix your problem, i hope

and you red the wrong part of the http://www.geekstogo...topic=17119&hl=
please read before the last reply i meant this section.

about setting up ASP:
I don’t know what kind of problem you have but this is common problem everybody has it and I had it 2years ago when I try to set up vs.net first my machined, before asp I was using perl CGI and I can say that asp is much more better than CGI programming.
If there is a better technology why don’t I use it…
So now lets see what can we do for setting up asp hhhh
of course if you dont have IIS installed you MUST install it first. Installing IIS
->controlpanel->add/remove prog->add windows components (left side)-
>check ISS box and click next with inserting xp pro cd to your cd
room drive and next for installing.
After installing first thing you have to check that if your asp net is working or not
so (mostly not)if it is working there is no problem and go ahead and its ready to serve you....lucky cat:)
second its not working
1-when you open your IE browser and type "//localhost" in address
section and see what happended if you get error ;
says http 500 --->that error code means you dont get real error code
for getting real error code follow this steps:
on IE->tools->internetOPtions->advance-> and if it is check "show
friendly error messages" check box under Browsing. and ok
try to type localhost again and enter and see the error code!!!
2-if it gives you the error[code=cannot_......] so you have to make
sure that you re using proxy server or blah blah...
on IE tools->internet options->connections->lan settings->uncheck the
check box option of "automaticly detect settings"..(Idiot IE)
and type "//localhost" IE browser address bar... working?
You still have problem? if yes and says version of .net the error says "version 1.1....blah blah " so its need to be updated run the windows updater and update it then restart your machine. still getting same error don’t worry after install the updates you have to transfer your updates to .net and install it again how : lets see now how ...
start->programs->Microsoft visual studio .net->visual studio .net
tools->visual studio .net command prompt black and ugly screen pop up
and type in : "aspnet_regiis /i" and it started to install it and
after it says installed than close your ugly black screen and go to
open your visual studio and new project asp.net web application under (vb or c# or...) and

mine is working and yours should be:)

sory to reply late _busy_me
take care
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Nop my prob isnt solved yet :tazz:(

I had already created a virtual directory called "RecipeSite' under IIS before I created the new ASP.NET project and it points to
F:\AIUB\Windows Programming\Windows Applications\RecipeWebsite02

And yes I read the thread you mentioned and tried everything you mentioned even before I started posting here.

Any more ideas??

Thanx 4 ur continuous help Burner !
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A friend of mine had the same problem and she solved it just by uninstalling SP2 and installing SP1 !! Isnt dat weird ?!! But I dont want to compromise my security.. I have to solve this problem without uninstalling Service Pack 2.

Edited by Dsypher, 01 December 2005 - 06:11 AM.

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hi Dsyper,

i actually beleive that your problem is quite simple but it is misirible one and i dont know whats happening exactly in your system? you say one of your friend found the problem that uninstalling sp2 service pack...no it is not the proper solution, as you mentioned that not good idea. i am using vs2003 under xpsp2, and 2000server, and vs2005 under 2003server and no problem i ve got, .....but when i ve install visual studio aproximately 3 years ago first i ve got problem like i ve posted before..but the problem was ie. settings.

i want to ask you question, since you ve installed your vs you created any asp app with it?even one?
and open your ie explorer and give this address if it is work http://localhost ??? if it is everything is fine about your iss and vs.Unfortunately there are path problem...

and i want to recomend another solution when you install vs it is defaultly choose c:\inetpub\wwwroot
home directory.. you can check the path go iis -> default websites ->properties -> and home tab there should be path and what it says......if it is different path change it to c:\inetpub\wwwroot and restart your iis
and try to create new asp project and leave default app name..see if it still gives you same error.if there is still same problem you ve got, change the path in there too your default visul studio prject folder....

if it is not still working i only can say uninstall your vs.net and reinstall it again(note disable any security suite or firewalls"even windows firewall" during the installation) ...do not change any default settings at the first), and (make sure your iis is running) give this command from vs command line "aspnet_regiis /i" and
and open your browser give address http://localhost if it is working than go to open your vs try to create new asp project again (how ever reinstalling vs.net takes time but say how can we learn without struguling)

take care
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Thanx Burner 4 all da help.. If im able 2 solve dis problem i'll let u know da solution...
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