i dont know if you solved problem or not if you did thats good to hear.... but if not ...it is about the path....
when you go to default web sites in iis and open the properties the home directory defaultly is set
c:\inetpup\wwwroot (in your case check where is yours point check the path.is supose to be F:\AIUB\Windows Programming\Windows Applications\) and after than find if the virtual directory is created for your appl or not, probably not.....because as you said you are trying to create new appl.
there is a application called RecipeWebsite02 app. whic is not exist now under F:\AIUB\Windows Programming\Windows Applications\
so vs cant find the path to create new project "RecipeSite"... And when you are creating "RecipeSite" you are getting that error in the error window just change the path to
F:\AIUB\Windows Programming\Windows Applications\
this will fix your problem, i hope
and you red the wrong part of the
http://www.geekstogo...topic=17119&hl=please read before the last reply i meant this section.
about setting up ASP:
I don’t know what kind of problem you have but this is common problem everybody has it and I had it 2years ago when I try to set up vs.net first my machined, before asp I was using perl CGI and I can say that asp is much more better than CGI programming.
If there is a better technology why don’t I use it…
So now lets see what can we do for setting up asp hhhh
of course if you dont have IIS installed you MUST install it first. Installing IIS
->controlpanel->add/remove prog->add windows components (left side)-
>check ISS box and click next with inserting xp pro cd to your cd
room drive and next for installing.
After installing first thing you have to check that if your asp net is working or not
so (mostly not)if it is working there is no problem and go ahead and its ready to serve you....lucky cat:)
second its not working
1-when you open your IE browser and type "//localhost" in address
section and see what happended if you get error ;
says http 500 --->that error code means you dont get real error code
for getting real error code follow this steps:
on IE->tools->internetOPtions->advance-> and if it is check "show
friendly error messages" check box under Browsing. and ok
try to type localhost again and enter and see the error code!!!
2-if it gives you the error[code=cannot_......] so you have to make
sure that you re using proxy server or blah blah...
on IE tools->internet options->connections->lan settings->uncheck the
check box option of "automaticly detect settings"..(Idiot IE)
and type "//localhost" IE browser address bar... working?
You still have problem? if yes and says version of .net the error says "version 1.1....blah blah " so its need to be updated run the windows updater and update it then restart your machine. still getting same error don’t worry after install the updates you have to transfer your updates to .net and install it again how : lets see now how ...
start->programs->Microsoft visual studio .net->visual studio .net
tools->visual studio .net command prompt black and ugly screen pop up
and type in : "aspnet_regiis /i" and it started to install it and
after it says installed than close your ugly black screen and go to
open your visual studio and new project asp.net web application under (vb or c# or...) and
mine is working and yours should be:)
sory to reply late _busy_me
take care