Unfortunately you can't.
The copy protection on the DVD's you buy at the shop use a process that "presses" the DVD's rather then burn, you can get a company to do this for you, it costs $100?AU for the master copy, then about $1 each other copy (when u order 1000). Even still this does not fully protect the DVD from being copied.
Methods to prevent it:
1. Put "WARNING: It is illegal to copy this disc, on the start of the movie and the dvd case.
2. I have never done it, nor seen anyone do it, but if you damage the disc (digitally or physically) that may prevent it from being copied, for example, if dvd pro shows where your files are stored on the disc, u could add a dummy video and find where that is stored on the disc and scratch that section, it wouldn’t affect it when u play it in dvd player because you wouldn’t have a reference to it, but it might stop the computer from being able to copy the disc...
3. I have heard of software that puts a copy once protection on..??? meaning you can only make one copy of a disc, so what u could do is give out the copies which cant be copied... but it would be easy to get around.. I have no idea what the software is, a company that presses dvd’s told me they could do it for laser burning dvds.
Edited by st22, 27 November 2005 - 11:52 PM.