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system locks after clicking on Wmv vid file

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every time I attempt to cut and paste a wmv my system locks. I can open and play the vid files in a divx media player no problem if I access the file through the play but if I simply open the folder and click on the file everything freezes. And this is not happening with other files. Any suggestions to solve this problem would be appreciated

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where did you get the file and what is it?
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I dowloaded it off the internet but it is a .AVI file that is a year old and I've not had any problem with it in the past and was able to burn it to CD after the problem occurred, The same with other avi file but none of them are recent downloads and I can open them with a variety of software but they freeze the computer when I clikc on them in windows. And I scanned my computer today suspected a virus but it came up clean and I have not any other system problems.

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    Retired Staff

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they might be corrupted, id delete them. Anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it?
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When I attempt to delete the Avi files, the system also freezes.
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I found the solution, one of many apparently out there but easier than having to go to dos commands.
its a bum registry key in xp that causes this problem and has been lurking around for a couple of years. but it's hard to isolate. so the solution below seems to be the easiest.

try this : start menu / execute / find the directory where your file is (browse)/ to see the avi file, change file type to "ALL FILES" / select the avi file and press DELETE

http://www.annoyance...inxp/1037636272 - offered several other solutions.

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I've had a bit of this problem, and it seems to be a combination of the AVI/WMV format and Explorer trying to show video attributes (dimension and duration in my case) in the detailed list. If it can't get the attributes (corrupted file or non-Directshow format) it freaks.
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