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problem with a php form

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    All Around Computer Nut

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ok, i have torn this code apart over and over again. there must be somthing i'm missing, in the html editor's preview window it comes out perfectly, however when I actually load the file up in Firefox i get a totally different response.

here is the code
<?php # Script 3.13 - register.php
$page_title = 'Register';
include ('./includes/header.html');
if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
$errors = array();
if (empty($_POST['name'])) {
$errors[] = 'You forgot to enter your name.';
if (empty($_POST['email'])) {
$errors[] = 'You forgot to enter your email address.';
if (!empty($_POST['password1'])) {
if ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST ['password2']) {
$errors[] = 'Your password did not match the confirmed password.';
} else {
$errors[] = 'You forgot to enter your password.';
if (empty($errors)) {
$body = "Thank you for registering with our site!\nYour password is '{$_POST['password1']}'. \n\nSincerely,\nUs";
mail ($_POST['email'], 'Thank you for registering!', $body, 'From: [email protected]');
echo '<h1 id="mainhead">Thank you!</h1>
<p>You are now registered. An email has been sent to your email address confirming the information.</p><p><br /></p>';
} else {
echo '<h1 id="mainhead">Error!</h1>
<p class="error">The following error(s) occurred:<br />';
foreach ($errors as $msg) {
echo " - $msg<br />\n";
echo '</p><p>Please go back and try again.</p><p><br /></p>';
}else {
<form action="register.php" method="post">
  <p>Name: <input name="name" size="20"
 maxlength="40" type="text"></p>
  <p>Email Address: <input name="email" size="20"
 maxlength="40" type="text"> </p>
  <p>Password: <input name="password1" size="10"
 maxlength="20" type="password"></p>
  <p>Confirm Password: <input name="password2"
 size="10" maxlength="20" type="password"></p>
  <p><input name="submit" value="Register"
  <input name="submitted" value="TRUE" type="hidden">
<?php }
include ('./includes/footer.html');
and here is a screen shot of what it looks like in my FF browser, Until i get this resolved I can't check the the database connectivity end of it.

Attached Thumbnails

  • scr3.png

Edited by Dragon, 04 December 2005 - 09:43 PM.

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At the top you have two php opening tags...
<?php <?php # Script 3.13 - register.php
Except for having to comment out the include statements, everything else works.
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    All Around Computer Nut

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that double <?php was a bad edit on my part from trying to fix it. I was getting those errors, like you see in the screenshots, from the very beginning.

Except for having to comment out the include statements, everything else works.

Which include statement are you referring to, one or both?

Edited by Dragon, 04 December 2005 - 09:55 PM.

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    All Around Computer Nut

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I just tried to comment out the include entries, unless I missed one somewhere same problem.

canoeingkid, when you tried that did you use FF or IE?
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I made a few minor changes to the code and got it to load with no problems in IE and Firefox, I will attached the modified php file and also show here in the message what I changed. The changes revolved around the couple of very long echo statements that had word-wrapped and could give errors (this may not be the problem in your original code) and you had a couple of extra {'s and an else statement with no ending. Onto the code!

[quote name='Dragon' date='Dec 4 2005, 06:07 PM' post='470912']
ok, i have torn this code apart over and over again. there must be somthing i'm missing, in the html editor's preview window it comes out perfectly, however when I actually load the file up in Firefox i get a totally different response.

here is the code
<?php # Script 3.13 - register.php
$page_title = 'Register';
include ('./includes/header.html');
if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
$errors = array();
if (empty($_POST['name'])) {
$errors[] = 'You forgot to enter your name.';
if (empty($_POST['email'])) {
$errors[] = 'You forgot to enter your email address.';
if (!empty($_POST['password1'])) {
if ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST ['password2']) {
$errors[] = 'Your password did not match the confirmed password.';
} else {
$errors[] = 'You forgot to enter your password.';
if (empty($errors)) {
$body = "Thank you for registering with our site!\nYour password is '{$_POST['password1']}'. \n\nSincerely,\nUs";
mail ($_POST['email'], 'Thank you for registering!', $body, 'From: [email protected]');
echo '<h1 id="mainhead">Thank you!</h1><p>You are now registered. An email has been sent to your email address confirming the information.</p><p><br /></p>';
} else {
echo '<h1 id="mainhead">Error!</h1><p class="error">The following error(s) occurred:<br />';
foreach ($errors as $msg) {
echo " - $msg<br />\n";
echo '</p><p>Please go back and try again.</p><p><br /></p>';
Here is the extra else statement that has a beginning { but no end } and no code. I am not sure if else statements and {}'s can span separate <?php ?> php code blocks, so I just removed them.
# else {
[quote name='Dragon' date='Dec 4 2005, 06:07 PM' post='470912']
<form action="register.php" method="post">
  <p>Name: <input name="name" size="20"
 maxlength="40" type="text"></p>
  <p>Email Address: <input name="email" size="20"
 maxlength="40" type="text"> </p>
  <p>Password: <input name="password1" size="10"
 maxlength="20" type="password"></p>
  <p>Confirm Password: <input name="password2"
 size="10" maxlength="20" type="password"></p>
  <p><input name="submit" value="Register"
  <input name="submitted" value="TRUE" type="hidden">
Here I just removed the ending } parenthesis that you had from the else statment above. Do you only want to display the footer html if the form has been submitted?
#<?php }
[quote name='Dragon' date='Dec 4 2005, 06:07 PM' post='470912']
include ('./includes/footer.html');
and here is a screen shot of what it looks like in my FF browser, Until i get this resolved I can't check the the database connectivity end of it.

Hope that helps a little bit and I attached the slighly modified code.


Attached Files

  • Attached File  test.php   1.76KB   35 downloads

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that double <?php was a bad edit on my part from trying to fix it. I was getting those errors, like you see in the screenshots, from the very beginning.

Which include statement are you referring to, one or both?

Both, I had to comment them out because I don't have the files being included...you should.

The only other problem I had on my development server was with the mail function (presumably because I don't have sendmail configured in php.ini).

Long, word-wrapped echo statements shouldn't cause any errors as PHP is not whitespace sensitive.

I looks like there is a problem with this echo statement, however:
echo '<h1 id="mainhead">Thank you!</h1><p>You are now registered. An email has been sent to your email address confirming the information.</p><p><br /></p>';
From the screenshot it looks like echo stops at the 'm' in "information" and then picks up again at the single quote at the end of the statement?? Very odd. Does gust0208's modification work any better?
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    All Around Computer Nut

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Actually yes.
I got my server set up and everything worked out, I needed to comment those include statements out also since I haven't made the header and footer files yet. Working on those now.

thanks for looking gang.
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