I am having all kinds of problems with Pinnacle 9. Over the past two years I have gone from Pinnacle 8 to 9 and have edited countless tapes and converted them to DVD without any problem. I have even been able to convert the bad ones over to DVD w/out any problems. Until recently...... For some reason my audio drops off after 15-20 minutes into the capture. Usually this happens where there is a scene change in the tape or the frames have been dropped. After that I loose all of the audio. Currently I have a Sony Hi 8 camcorder w/ RCA output to Dazzle DV 80 / Hollywood Bridge. I have deleted and reinstalled Pinnacle 9 w/ patch 9.4.3 and also deleted Dazzle drivers and reinstalled with the latest from Pinnacle's website (dated September 2004). Dazzle's driver requires that you install the driver and reboot before you plug in the unit (did that). I've cleaned the hard drive off and defragged it. There is nothing else I can think of. I read somewhere if you had a trial version of some movie editing programs you will have to manually remove the claudio.ax and clvideo.ax. Did a computer scan and nothing came up.
Any thoughts --------