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I really have no idea this time

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operation ivy

operation ivy


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hey everyone,

since i bought my new computer it has been alot of trouble. everything till now i dealt with or fixed. about 4 days ago i turned on my computer and the audio was really really slow motion. Everything from the sound windows makes when it starts up, to windows media player plays slowly. I know this is not a speaker thing because i am using my stereo as my speakers and it plays CD's just fine. Now i have no idea whats going on. i though i installed the drivers right. just incase i reinstalled the realtek audio drivers about a million times. my mother board is a MSI k8n sli. Im so confused because there are 2 types of audio drivers. there is the realtek audio drivers or there is the Nforce 4 audio drivers. i have installed both and neither correct the slow motion problem. sometimes theres no sound at all. im wondering if this is a powersupply issue because i have a 350w power supply supporting 2 6600 gt's in SLi an amd athlon 3500+ a dvd burner and everything else in my computer. i have tried everything i can think of. the kicker is once in a while i ill boot my computer and the audio will work fine. this happens like once in a while so im pretty sure my on board audio isnt fried. another weird thing is when the audio does work it only works on the 8 channel setting. this is weird because i only have 2 speakers!!!! lol i really have no idea whats going on so i just removed all audio drives and currently i am using my computer without sound.

sorry for the long post but i tried to mention everything and not leave anything out. as im sure you all know by now i am completely at the breaking point of my patience. any help or a possible solution would be greatly greatly appreciated. and just to note i currently have no funds what so ever to buy a sound card, so hopefully thats a last last last resort.


Edit: oh i forget to mention, when i am installing the nforce audio drivers it asks something about nforce 4 RAID or something. i did not install this or the other Nforce 4 sw something because it said i needed a floppy drive and sadly i do not have a floppy drive LOL.

Edited by operation ivy, 21 January 2006 - 04:00 PM.

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Hi operation ivy

I don't quite understand why there should be two audio drivers (realtek & Nvidia). I've checked the specs for your mobo & it definately says the onboard audio is Realtek. The Nvida drivers that you need to install are system drivers.

I also think that the power supply is under rated, as you suggested. MSI recommend a mininum 450W PSU for this board, with min. 20A on the ATX 12V connector.

Firstly, here's what might be causing the problem :

1. Buggy sound card driver or
2. Resource conflict between s/c and another device
3. The first two are the most likely but it's possible I suppose that the problem could be related to the PSU being under-powered.

Here's a list of things I suggest you try :

1. Remove the old Realtek driver & related software components from the system.

2. Download & install the latest Realtek audio driver from MSI's website. (Latest driver version is 19 Dec 2005). Link to this is below :

3. Once installed, if the problem is still there, then check the resources (IRQ & DMA & I/O & Memory) for the sound card in device manager & see if there are any conflicts with other devices. Remember that sound cards often have more than one component installed, so check the resource for each one.

Let me know how you get on
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operation ivy

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thanks, but its not a sound card its onboard audio. umm i restarted my computer about 7 times since my post. i uninstalled my drivers then installed the Nvidia driver not the realtek one. i didnt have my speakers plugged in but i noticed the timer on my windows media player was back to normal. so i plugged my speakers into all of the jacks on the back and none worked. so i plugged headphones into the front and it worked. so i thought. maybe my speakers would work if i plugged them into the headphone jack. hah crazy idea but it worked and i now have sound. problem is im scared to restart or turn of my computer becuase i know that when i do it will go back to not working lol. when it does not work, i did check device manager and there were no conflicts.

but yeah its working but im sure it will quit after i restart. i have no idea whats going on with my onboard sound but its definetly something bugy.

thanks for the help.

Edited by operation ivy, 21 January 2006 - 06:06 PM.

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I realise you have onboard audio, not an add-on sound card. Sorry, the expression 'sound card' is misleading I guess in this case!

What makes you think the sound will stop working after a reboot? Is that what generally happens?
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operation ivy

operation ivy


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lol ok just makin sure haha. but yeah it always happens like once in a while audio will work fine like right now, but as soon as i reboot it goes back to slow motion or not any at all.
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Get rid of the nvidia drivers as far as i know all nforce4 motherboards use realtek AC97 sound. It actually sounds like you are trying to install SATA drivers instead of sound ones.
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That was my thought too, warriorscot. From what I can tell, the nvidia drivers for this particular board, are all bundled together & contain the drivers for the sata, ide controllers, raid, lan & system devices. No mention of audio anywhere.

operation ivy - while the sound is still working (i.e before you reboot), can you go into device manager & expand the multimedia/audio controllers branch. Let us know exactly what you see listed in this section please.
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operation ivy

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ok theres no multimedia/audio controllers branch but there is however:

Sound, video and game controllers----> (expands to)----> Audio codecs, legacy audio drivers, legacy video capture devices, media control devices, Nvidia® nForce™ Audio Codec Interface, Video Codecs

The Nvidia driver bundle i currently have installed which is working for now consists of this

Windows XP/2000 Driver Versions

* Audio driver version 4.62 (WHQL)
* Audio utility version 4.51
* Ethernet NRM driver version 4.82 (WHQL)
* Network management tools version 4.88
* SMBus driver version 4.50 (WHQL)
* Installer version 4.93
* Legacy PATA RAID driver version 5.52
* SATA RAID driver version 5.52 (WHQL)
* IDE driver version 5.52 (WHQL)
* RAIDTOOL application version 5.52


Edited by operation ivy, 21 January 2006 - 08:23 PM.

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I can see where the confusion is - the Nvidia driver you listed is from Nvidia website whereas the one I was referring to was from MSI's website in the driver download section for your motherboard.

Can you download SIW from this link please & run it (no install required) :

This is a really handy system info utility that Keith our OS Moderator found. When you run it, click on File -> Create Log File. This will create an HTML report. Can you then email it to me as an attachment please.

I've PM'd you my email address.
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operation ivy

operation ivy


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kk, i will do that now.
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operation ivy

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[bleep], i knew it. i just downloaded and installed a firewall. it prompted for a restart and i totally forgot. now i am back to slllloooowww motion audio. this sucks. oh well atleast i know theres still something needing to be fixed!
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operation ivy

operation ivy


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ok i was thinking about this all night. i was thinking that since even my VIDEOS play choppy in windows media player it could be more then just my audio drivers. videos should not play choppy on an amd 3500+, the weird thing is Games still play fine except for the slow motion audio. i hope this helps!

Edited by operation ivy, 22 January 2006 - 12:05 PM.

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Thanks for the SIW log & the additional info.
I'm going to look over the log now & I'll get back to you in a while
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First, now that the sounds has gone weird again, can you just double check in device manager to make sure that there are no problems reported with any devices.

From the bit of research I've done, it seems that the problem you have with videos being choppy but games OK, is not uncommon with those video cards. Apparently it is to do with the driver. Two possible solutions seem to be commonly used to fix this problem:
1) Uninstall the driver & install an older version of the video driver.
2) Use NVTweak utility to gain access to hidden Nvidia settings. Then you can enable VMR (on the overlay tab)

Be aware that these solutions are simply ones that I've found on google, although both seem to be frequently used to solve this particular issue.

To be honest, I'm still not convinced that the audio issue ISN'T a driver related one. However, if it does turn out that the driver is not the problem, then the only other possible causes I can think of are :

1) Power supply (i.e get something bigger than 350W!)

2) Incompatible bios configuration
E.G Make sure all performance related settings are adjusted for stability rather than highest performance.
You may not have all of these settings in your bios, but you could try adjusting the one's you do have to these values :

VGA Pallet Snoop - disable
PCI-E Spread Spectrum disable
PCI bursting - disable
Video RAM Cacheable - disable
Video Bios shadowing - disable
Pipeline cache write - disable
Passive release - enable
delayed transaction - enable

If you do decide to change any settings though, make sure you make a note of what you are changing so you can change them back again if need be.
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operation ivy

operation ivy


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thanks for all the help!! you definetly went out of your way on this one and i appreciate it.

ill try everything lol

Edited by operation ivy, 23 January 2006 - 08:47 PM.

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