// Secant.java Author: Robert Young
public class Secant
public static void main (String[] args)
string temp;
string filename;
temp=getInput("Would you like to specify your polynomial with a file (y or n)? ");
if (temp=y)
filename=getInput("Enter the file name: ");
public static double secant(Poly poly, double x0, double x1, int iter) //returns the result of the secant method
public static Poly getPoly(int degree) //user inputs the coefficients of the powers of x from 0 to degree
return Keyboard.readInt(prompt);
public static String displayPoly(Poly poly) //displays the polynomial (nonzero coeffs only)
It is definately not much and much may not be correct. My AIM name is bjy562 and MSN is [email protected]. Again, I do not want a hand-out, but some help. It would be greatly appreciated.