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There is a cyber-crime website called "cc-cards" where for $13 USD you can get an U.S. individual's entire identity, complete with mother's maiden name and social security number. That's pretty scary. So my question is: Does anyone know how if there is a site or system available that allows you to check if your identity is being pedaled?

Here's the article from Business Week that triggered this post.

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You generally have to be dead to have your idnetity stolen like that, otherwise you would know about it as someone would be stealing your money and giving you bother in all sorts of ways.

Way it works is someone goes to the records office, and gets the birth certificate of a dead child, they then apply for social security or national insurance as we call it, and then a drivers liscence and then a passport and credit card.
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    The Leather Lady

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If you are concerned about your identity being stolen, you can request a credit report, at least in the US. You could then take action on any unauthorized activity.

The moral of the BusinessWeek story is that people are gullible enough to be "phished" or greedy, curious whatever, and can be tricked into giving away their private info, and their bandwidth, which is valuable to nefarious people.

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