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Hi everyone. I've recently got a new computer with a TV card in it so I've been recording TV shows onto my harddrives. You know how sometimes you get slacked and you let a few commercials slip in. I'm just currently looking for an appropriate application to edit these videos. Some people recommended Sony Vegas and Ulead Studio to me but I reckon they're way too sophisticated for the purpose here.

So with this software I'm looking for, I only want it to be capable of:
1. Cutting (either excessive or cutting out a segment)
2. Combining (combining two or more segments)
3. Multiple import/output formats supportive (the more the merrier)
4. Possibly a bit on the video compressing and touch-up side (cos sometime the length of the video can't go down further but I wanna fit it onto a DVD).

Anyone have any suggestions which application I should buy/download? Thanx

PS - All my captured videos atm are in MPG format, when I dragged them into Windows Movie Maker the sound goes off but can't see any image. Any clue why?
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See if any of the free editing programmes will do it, (pinned topics, top of forum)
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Nope, I don't know I just didn't like any of them :tazz:... Not being ungrateful here but could you guys show me something else? Something between basic and hard out professional? Cheers
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I would highly recommend taking a look at Sony Vegas Movie Studio + DVD. It contains many of the useful features of the professional Sony Vegas, but delivers them in a simpler "pro-sumer" level and an unbeatable price for the feature set, ~$70 on Amazon. The editing workflow of the Vegas programs is the best in the business, in my opinion. You import all of your clips into a "media bin", and then you work on each clip in a "Trimmer" window where you go through and set markers for clips you want to include, then you can directly drag from the trimmer window to the main workspace area. It sounds somewhat strange, but I found it to be very intuitive and efficient. It allows four video tracks and four audio tracks, enough for most large home projects. Allows chroma-key (green screen effects) and motion altering (slow-mo, fast-forward). Now that it comes with DVD Architect Studio, I think it is the best in the pro-sumer level. I enjoyed it enough that I eventually upgraded to the more expensive Sony Vegas line.

Here is the product page from Sony:

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Hi folks, I've tried out Song Vegas 6.0. While reading the following question(s) please bear in mind that I'm a complete novice when it comes to video editting so the questions maybe a bit dumb.

As mentioned before, all my captured video clips off the TV card are in MPG format. I tried trimming out some accidentally recorded commercials at the end of some music videos. But when I wanted to save it, there was "Save" option which only allows me to save the trimmed file as a "VEG" file. I thought that was probably no good but I couldn't see anything like "export to" so I went with the "Render As..." option, I thought, you know, trimming a bit off a video and saving it in its original format would take just a second but nope it took some time (like 1 minute or so) and the saved MPG file is definitely not as clear as it was. Why instead of just keeping its original quality and cutting off the end it goes through the whole video again (apparently doing something with it)? Is there no quick save if I just want to keep the original quality and only change wanting to be done is cutting off the end bits.

Thanx folks :tazz:
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Retired Tech

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Use Nero for that, in the UK Nero 6 OEM goes for 1:25 GBP 2:20 USD
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Hi Keith, thanx for the reply again. Nero has many products, which one specifically you're referring to plz? Cheers
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Nero Vision Express for nero 6, which is usually the suite of programmes, so will have everything you need on it, Nero 7 will be expensive as it is new but you should find Nero 6 easily, check it has Vision express
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I have the Nero 6 suite but NeroVision Express is not included in there so I figure I'd better download and install it separately?
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What have you got if you click start smart then the DVD section
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There's "Favorites"(Make Data DVD, Copy DVD), "Data"(Make Data DVD), Audio(omitted), "Copy and Backup", and "Extras" (make covers etc.). No mentioning of NeroVision Express :|
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Click the word Nero, top left of start smart then click check for updates

Nero 6 is in three parts, you need part two to get Nero Vision Express
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Thanx Keith I've followed what you said and it worked. Downloaded the package 2 and install the thing (although not happy about installing other components apart from NeroVision Express - what Photoshop CS2 is for then?).

Anyways, I've tried out the "Make Movie" option which allows us to edit video clips. I have to say I'd prefer the Sony Vegas controls much better (easier control and more precision). Probably just because I worked with SoundForge before and it's sort of the similar line of design.

I mean I still struggle with working with Vegas but I think I'll get around with it. Thank you very much Keith for your help.

PS - Tried the "exporting" option in NeroVision Expres, it's good... though it takes time as well (maybe as long as Vegas' rendering as feature).
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You will only get Nero to edit within a second or so, but at least you can cut out most of the blurb with it

Photoshop CS2 is from Adobe and about 8-900 USD
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Thanks Keith for your comment again. When I mentioned Photoshop CS2 I meant I've got it in my computer and use it daily so I don't like all the bundled components from Nero such as "PhotoSnap" and those Cover Design. But fair enough, they might come in really handy for people who don't have Photoshop. Thanks :tazz:
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