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VR Mode

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I recently got a Sony DCR-DVD105 camcorder for my birthday. I like it pretty well except for the fact that there is no USB interface. Therefore, I need to copy the movies/pictures straight from the DVD. However, upon recording in VR Mode (DVD-RW VR), my DVD player spit the disc out and my computer was unable to recognize it. I opened up the disc folder from windows explorer and it showed something like .VDo file or something similar. Upon trying to open it, I was prompted to use the internet to open the file. My DVD player, and PC do not recognize the VR mode. My PC is as follows:

1 year old Dell
3.0 Ghz
Pentium IV

While I plan on getting a differnt DVD player (Sony) so that I can utilize VR mode, I want to stick with my PC. Is there some way to get around this (i.e. a program that will allow my computer to recognize and play VR mode DVDs)? Or can I just copy the VR mode files to my harddrive and then burn the files onto a DVD-R; would that allow my DVD player and/or PC to read/play the files?

Thanks for your help...
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well i also have a sony DVD camcorder that supports VR mode

im pretty sure that it has to do with the actual drive itself i havent seen any programs that allow you to just read VR modes i would suggest buying a new DVD recorder drive. is the drive you have in the system at the moment a recorder or just a cobo-drive?
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Thank you for replying...

I have a DVD recording drive currently. I think I heard/read somewhere that you can copy the files (VR mode) to your harddrive and then burn them as another format. Do you know if this is true?

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what burning suite are you using to burn the DVD i no that nero 6 has a make or modify DVD video[VR]

this allows you to burn them straight off the original 8 cm disk

i have had alot of problems with the dvd camcorder its been the biggest drama to get it working sony has the worst trasfering software for the pc its hopeless i have been able to burn my DVD's but what i have to do is import the files burn them onto a DVD-RW (by the way i dont record in VR mode i just use the normal video format) then i have to create an image of the DVD-RW using alcohol then from alcohol i have to burn the image its ridiculouse and a waste of time in aus i payed 1100 when it first came out i thought it would be so simple and so easy thats what i built my computer for but its been a waste really i havent been able to edit or anything.

so anyway after my little complaining session my original question was what burning suite are you using?
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I have the Necro software that came witht the camera, but I have recently uninstalled it because I do not like the way it performs.

Currently, I am using SonicStage DL or something like that.
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well to tell you the truth nero is pretty much the best burning suite available life would be easier with nero if you can afford it.

i would suggest trying to use nero to burn your DVD it has a dedicated VR mode burning utility that might make things easier and might solve your problem,
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Are you referring to a more expensive version of Nero; other than the one that came with the camcorder? Or does that version (not sure which came with the camcorder) have the compatibility with VR mode that you were speaking of?

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i run nero version 6 i would recomend getting that one
it has the compatability of analyising vr mode

now look this might not be the compleate answer to your problem it could have to do with other things aswell but i would start with getting nero 6 or 7 im sure 7 has it aswell

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Thank you very much for your time and all of your help. I greatly appreciate it...
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no worries thats what im here for :whistling:

goodluck hope it helps your problem,
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well nero six is fine for everyday burning sorry i didnt realise you wanted to in some way "burn" to your hard drive this is different this program will not work for that i dont think.

there is one other program that i no of that is great for that its called alcohol 120% but the free version is only for 30 days here is the link so you can cheack it out:

what this program does is creates an image of the disk you are using. and copies or saves it to your hard drive. in case your not sure on what im talking about, an image is an exact replica of the DVD. when you burn a cd or DVD to the computer it actually looks different than the original disk. this program makes an exact replica of the disc.

the program has many other features but you can work the rest of them out for yourself :whistling: but the image creating part is what we are worried about!

the image is saved as a .MDF file which then using the same program you canb burn directly to a new dvd for back up purposes.
but as i said the free version only lasts for 30 days and wont be able to run after thoose days so thats not what we want. im am not sure if there are any other programs out there that are similar but you can google them. google terms like "image burning software" and "image making software" and things like that.

sorry i dont have the time to get you some links i have a major physics test tomorrow so im snowed under with that google is your friend make sure you use it lol

and in response to your second question the VR mode in nero doesnt allow you to convert them i dont think. it only allows you to burn the files sorry but i dont have a VR mode disc lying around you might just have to play around with that yourself. i would suggest buying a DVD-RW and if it doesnt work then just erase the disc. i have had many problems with VR mode so you might have to be patient and try some trial and error methods

sorry but for now thats all i can say if you have a play around and cant get it to work then we will see what we can do but look for some programs and see how you go.

sorry but im pretty snowed under for the next around 2 weeks so if i dont reply please be patient and i will get back to you just reply to this msg and it will be hear waiting for me!
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Thanks again for your help; and good luck on your test.

Yesterday I went to various stores in search of a program that would do what I wanted it to. I found one, but for more money than I wanted to pay. Therefore, I bought some blank DVD's and went home and messed around with Nero and my PC burner. My first attempt at the copy and paste method landed me with a DVD that would not work on my PC or DVD player (as I had mentioned). On this attempt I did not rename the _TS folder as I had done before and what do you know... it worked. That was my problem. I instead made a new folder and put the contents of the _TS folder into it.

Also, as I had mentioned... with the copy and paste method my PC was then unable to take these files and open them in a player (because as you said they are not a direct Image). Therefore, I downloaded a free program called VLC (videolan) and it has the ability to read the copied files and play them. Therefore, I am satisfied thus far.

However, I am going to take your advice and mess around with VR mode and RW's. I read somewhere that you can just simply change the extension (i.e. .VRO) to .mpeg and it will play with Window's media player. However once again, that defeats my sole purpose of getting the DVD to run on my non-VR mode DVD player. I will keep you updated.

Thanks again...

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well thats great im glad you are satisfied :whistling:

i havent heard about just changing the extension i dont think that is correctany program that i have used needs to be converted and then saved as an .mpeg file look try it and if it doesnt work then you can just chnage the extension back i hope you can get it working goodluck and keep me posted
:blink: troppo
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Hi Troppo

I came in to get an answer to the same problem. I have just changed the extension to .mpg and it is playing well on Real Player as we speak - sound and vision are good. I will now try WinAVI or look at Nero to see if I can transfer from .mpg to .avi and then do some editing through Pinnacle 9.
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Further to my last, Pinnacle 9 didn't do too well so I switched to Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 and editing the .mpg file was a snap.

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