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  • PipPip
  • 14 posts
Ok. I am just a high school student, and me and some of my friends have been making movies on my dad Sony DCR-DVD7. (the one that burns straight to DVD's) It burns to DVD RW's in VOB format. How are you supposed to edit this. I got Nero Ultra edition, and that works just fine to cut and paste clips, but we are looking for something to do more effects with. I tried Avid FreeDV. Will this support .VOB files. I have tried for a while and havent had any luck.

So i was thinking rather than picking random programs to see if they will work, if anyone has any suggestions that would allow us to do some basic editing (special effects). Oh, and none of us have jobs, so it needs to be free or under $5 (OK, it has to be free :whistling: )

Any suggestions would be appreciated by a bunch of ambitious young movie makers.
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  • PipPip
  • 14 posts
Oh yeah. Im running windows if that matters. AMD 3500+ 64 bit with a 256 MB video card.
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  • Banned
  • PipPipPip
  • 204 posts
So you can upload your movie files from the DVD to the computer?

Check this out: www.videoforums.co.uk/guide-edit-vob-mpeg-48.htm
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