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question on dis-synchrony between audio and video

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  • PipPip
  • 35 posts
hi all-

i am not sure if this is the correct forum to post, and please do redirect me to the proper one if it isn't.....

i have been having problems now for a couple of months, watching clips of episodes of greys anatomy (disparaging comments welcome) on my laptop running windows xp2, but for some reason, both with windows media player as well as real player, even winamp, when i watch an episode it goes ok for about 5 minutes or so, then all of a sudden the audio just keeps going while the video part of the show freezes, or becomes a random progression of frames--i have tried to pause/stop the show at that point and then play again, without any success. i have even tried stopping all other programs that are running in the background and still no luck...i was wondering whether anyone has had any experience with this and how i can go about fixing it!!

thank you so much in advance for your help, i really appreciate it

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