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New DVD could end format war

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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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British-based New Medium Enterprises (NME) have created the technology to produce a cheap multiple-layer DVD disk containing one film in different, competing formats.

The first prototype production line using NME's technology should be running by early 2007.

NME has also created new technology for the machines which have to read and write the disk, which is another bottleneck with multi-layer disks. The current generation of DVD players can read up to two layers.

NME has created DVD disks with up to 10 different layers that were still readable. It has created its own player, but it is willing to license the technology to mainstream consumer electronics companies

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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10 layers?!?...that's sort of like the twelve bladed razor...i want one!
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Apparently the discs cost 9 cents instead of 6 cents for a standard disc, instead of between 27 and 45 cents to produce current multi layer discs

Wonder if they will sell them for 50% more :whistling:
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