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Recording TV to Avi, etc.

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This is my situation.
I would like to record what I do on my Xbox 360, and have the video on my computer. I do not have Windows Media center, so I cannot use a capture card. I have heard that you can transfer VHS to data, and Im wondering how I would go about doing that?

Also, is there any other way to record TV onto my computer?

Thanks for any help. :whistling:
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Ruben Rodriguez

Ruben Rodriguez


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I have just recently gotten into recording shows from my TIVO to my laptop using Windows Movie Maker and an ADS Video Express USB2 capture device (with the rca compasite inputs).

I get great quality 640 x 480 in a wmv.

I am really impressed. Windows Movie Maker is much better than the software the ads device came with, imo. AND the WMM is so easy to use because it has a timer so you can just set the length of the program and walk away.

I am sure there are other better more sophisticaed programs, but I am not complaing. As a matter of fact I recorded a 2 hour show in 640 x 480 and created a dvd in Nero and it had to compress it (it even added chapters).

Just get a capture device and just install the drivers and WMM will do the rest. Hook up your XBOX, VCR, TIVO, DVD, etc. and you're good to go.

My 2 Cents.

I do not want to get in trouble so I want to add that I do it for personal reasons (I have kids who love certain programs that are not out on video or dvd) I am not responsible for what you record.
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