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:) :blink: :rofl: :help: :rofl:

Hi everyone. I'm new here and am in need of some help. I'm in a rock band called Modern Rage. We are starting to work on our first cd. I am wanting to make this as professional as possible. I would like Windows Media Player to display the cd cover when played in a cd-rom. There is a folder that can be placed on the cd to do this. I've done it before, but I forgot how. Can anyone give me some insight on how to do this?

Also, I would like to have the songs listed instead of saying "Track 01, Track 02, ect.). How would I do this? I think I need to use some sort of a metatag procedure, but am unsure. Can anyone help on this?

Thanks. :whistling:
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Well, I don't use WMP (I try to avoid it) but on iTunes, you could TRY the following.

Highlight all the tracks you want on the CD, right click, and select Get Info.
Enter the Album, Artist and Genre, and any other information (Year, Comments... and so on). Then, double-click the empty box next to Album Art and select the picture you want as album art - click OK. Now fill in track name and track number. Then, burn it to a CD and it should store all the information.

Good luck.

Edited by Supercalifragilistic, 09 December 2006 - 08:09 PM.

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Thanks. I'll try that.
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