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416 Registry Errors

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  • PipPipPip
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I downloaded Registry Mechanic, free version.
Used Tune UP Utilities to fix some registry errors
but still have 416 to go, will keep doing it manually;
but is there anyway to do it more safely and eficiently?
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    The Leather Lady

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XP has an amazing capacity to ignore obsolete or unecessary registry entries. Third party "registry cleaners" don't offer measuable performance improvements, and they often flag routine software debris, tag them "errors" and persuade you to buy the product to fix your computer. Run the software and you still have the garbage, only the software doesn't alert you after it "repairs", so you call it a success. I'm not saying registry cleaners are useless, because they do perform tasks in experienced hands, like the malware experts use them. In inexperienced hands, a person can trash Windows by accident, and sometimes even System Restore won't help. Some reg cleaners, like Norton Win Doctor will "fight" with XP. It wants things one way, and XP is designed to do it differently.

If you are concerned that you have damaged or broken Windows Sysem files, get out your XP disk and run a System File Check. Using the cd (or you can copy over the i386 folder to your hard drive if you trash XP a lot) Windows will correct discrepancies. When you look at an SFC log, you will notice that most of the fixes are due to software you've installed, and seldom does a Windows file just iniate a meltdown without being interfered with. Compared to early versions of Windows, XP is a resilient software, which goes back to my first statement about being very forgiving of changes.

Start > Run > cmd
sfc /scannow (note the spacing!)
You will be prompted to insert your XP CD.

sfc - system file checker, retrieves the correct version of the file from %Systemroot%\System32\Dllcache or the Windows installation source files, and then replaces the incorrect file.

If you want to see what was replaced, right click My Computer > manage, expand event viewer > system.

System File Checker (sfc)
Scans and verifies the versions of all protected system files after you restart your computer.

Instead of using reg cleaners, visit this page


and take note of the recommendations there. Malware is a bigger enemy than registry fluff.


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  • PipPipPip
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Most of the errors are there because I just skimmed XP,
so I have a lot of empty links;

did a malware check...but everything there ok

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