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PSP Video Files

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Hi everyone,
Need a bit of help here please. I know how to transfer music and pictures to the PSP, but I'm getting a bit stuck on transfering video, the main problem being, the files are on the PSP memory card (In MP4 Format), but you can't see them on the PSP menu, so you can't play them. I'm putting them in REMOVABLE DISK G/MP_ROOT, then there is a folder called 100MNV01, and I put the files in there, and they play ok. I then downloaded something else, and it was not seen in the PSP menu, and after having a read, it said I had to make a file, name it 101MNV01, I did, put the files in there, and it works ok. I then downloaded something else, and put them in the 101 folder, and it can't be seen, so I put it in the 100 folder and its ok. So my question is,

1/ How do you name files/folders, so the PSP can read them, is there a rule here I'm missing?
2/ why can't everything just go into the first folder, why did I need 2?

I'm using the latest update, 3.11, or whatever it is, Thanks.
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The videos have to be put in a folder called VIDEO.
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Get PSP Max Media Manager.

Allows you to make all transfers to your pc and is very easy to use.

Edited by Champo_4, 21 April 2007 - 12:33 PM.

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