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Media Player and Backup!

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  • PipPip
  • 36 posts
I have a seagate external backup device that i saved all my music on from my old system. The new system has the same media player 11 from windows as the old did. I hooked the seagate to the USB port and searched the drive for all music files and sent them to the new system. I was able to play the music on the new system but after i disconnected the seagate i wasnt able to anymore. I am new to the back up drive and the media player so am i doing something wrong? How do i get the music to play without hooking the seagate up everytime?
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  • PipPipPipPipPip
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Make sure you copy the actual music files themselves to the computer's hard disk. It's easy to get caught out by only creating shortcuts instead of copies. Shortcuts to the files won't play if the source or "target" (on the external disk) can't be found because it's disconnected.

Shortcuts have a little arrow on the file icon, like the shortcuts on your Windows desktop, whereas actual files do not have the shortcut arrow.
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