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DVD wont play on my TV

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  • PipPip
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I have searched the forum and tried a few suggestions to burn to dvd so we can watch on tv but none of the discs work, I have downloaded Flushed.Away[2006]DvDrip.AC3[ENG]-aXXo.avi and tried to burn it to disc using Flick, TEMPGEnc plau, ConvertxtoDVD, Nero and a few others.
The file plays on the PC no problem and seems to burn to dvd no problem but the player says its an invalid disc . Ive read how to burn an IVI to DVD post and the Flick instructions but it dosn't work !!!!

Anyone have any ideas for me

I have a Phillips DVDR56Oh player !
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  • PipPipPip
  • 344 posts
Pirating movies is illegal. Geeks To Go doesn't support piracy. So your answer is, STOP DOWNLOADING ILLEGAL DVDs, and go purchase LEGIT DVDs.
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