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photoshop cs2, creating a border

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i have several small images being used as thumbnails.
to each thumbnail, id just like to apply a black border to each side, 2 pixels deep.
once i figure out how to do one, i can automate it and run it on the rest.
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Open the image and duplicate the layer (ctrl+j). Then go to Image>Canvas size. Alter the settings to make the canvas 2px bigger on whichever side you choose (or simply all sides, use the arrow buttons). Once you've done this, select the bottom layer and simply fill it with black (either fill tool or with the paintbrush). Voila: black border!

Now all you have to do to apply it to the other pics is simply keep the black bottom and just place the thumbnail over it each time. (File>place)

Edited by BlackHalo, 20 May 2008 - 04:59 PM.

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Bates 999

Bates 999


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There's an easier way to do it, but with very small pictures like the ones you're talking about it might not be suitable.

> Ctrl + A (Selects a border around the picture)
> Edit - Stroke (Change the colour to black and the size to 2px)

Simple as that, takes seconds.
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If you ever want to create a more fancy border..

Create a new layer ->
Ctrl + Shift + N

Fill it with solid black ->

Paint bucket, set to #000000

Change the blending mode to Linear Dodge (AKA Add) ->
Under layers palette, click 'normal' and change it to Linear Dodge. That will key out the black
-> Right click on the layer and choose Blending Options, look on the left hand side and choose stroke, click it.

Change the stroke type ->

Change the stroke position to inside, so that the stroke is on the inside.

You can add other effects such as inner shadows, and bevel the stroke, etc. aswell. To modify these just go back into the blending options of the black layer. Remember to keep it on top!
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