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Sony US launches 'free' recycling programme

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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

    Retired Staff

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Sony will next month allow US consumers to drop off unwanted Sony-branded electronics products for recycling. The service is free of charge, but many eco-conscious Americans will still have to drive big distances to drop-off sites.

The Sony Take Back Recycling Program will kick off on 15 September, and will operate at 75 of Waste Management's Recycle America eCycling centres across the continental US. Sony said it hopes to increase the number of participating sites to 150 within a year - enough, it claimed, for 95 per cent of the US population to be living within 20 miles of a drop-off point. There will be at least one centre per state.

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    The Leather Lady

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I seriously doubt that there are enough unwanted Sony products to justify so many units, unless they plan to build stores to try to sell us replacements for the items. What might actually be useful is a place that takes unwanted Dells, HP and so forth, in other words, not brand-reliant recycling.
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