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Sleep in

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My doctor told me that it is almost impossible to set your internal clock back to go to bed earlier, so you have to fight through it, and basically move the clock forward.

To do this, you pick a bed time, say 10 pm and a wake up time, say 7 am. Now every night no matter what you go to bed at 10 and stay there until 7 even if you cant sleep. Then at 7 you get up and open the shades and step outside. Most of the problem is our bodies are deprived of sunlight therefore messing up our sleep schedules. As long as you stick to the schedule you will start to fall asleep and wake up naturally every night.

I have tried this and it did work, but due to other medical issues I need the assistance sometimes of a sleeping pill, but it does work.
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I never have any problem falling asleep .... in fact if I lie down at 10.00 am after having risen at 7.00 am I will still fall asleep. I do sometimes have a problem waking in the night or early hours of the morning and can't get back to sleep. I've developed a kind of routine at bedtime ... I have a cup of tea (non caffeine type) while I shut down the computer or quickly check emails if I haven't been on the computer and then shut it down, tidy up the kitchen if it needs it, do the bathroom stuff, turn off all the lamps, then change into my jarmies and into bed. If I wake and cannot get right back to sleep, I get up and put a tracksuit over my jarmies, turn on all the lamps, fire up the computer and make a cup of tea. I'll either check in to the forum or play a couple of card games while I drink the tea, check my emails, shut down the computer ... etc. etc. as above and then I can always get right back to sleep. I've also noticed that if I'm thinking about something that is worrying me when I go to bed I am more likely to wake during the night, so I try to put off any worrying thoughts till the next morning.
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