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This may be a very stupid question, but I am gonna ask anyway. If you click onto a site and your virus protection pops up and says harmful script removed and trojan blocked, does that mean something is wrong with that website. And if your virus prtection jumps up and clears that away, should you click off the site or is it okay to keep browsing? :whistling:
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Major Payne

Major Payne

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Depends on the site, whether it's a well known site, whether you're going to have faith in your anti-virus software or not and exactly what was blocked, provided your software provided names of the malware. Personally, I would leave and report the problem to the webmaster or abuse@sites_url.com.. I have CallingId installed for my browsers which provides additional info about a site. Does your anti-virus program have a blacklist you can access to see if the site is on it?

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my rule is...if you hit a site that is trying to install ANYTHING without asking ...leave the site immediately and don't go back
if you hit a site and it asks you to install something ...you better be sure of the site before installing "it"...
not sure ..then DO NOT install anything

Edited by happyrck, 03 September 2007 - 06:58 AM.

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Use McAfee Site Advisor as well. It will tell you whether a site is good or bad.
It's such a handy tool, especially if you do a lot of google searching
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