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I got scolded for posting to much. I had a problem and no repies in hours. But other post came up and had 17 replies. I guess I was to impatient and Ron scolded me but in a respectfull way. As I see it I should seek help elsewhere and you guys should delete my account. I would do it myself but if I knew how I would'nt need you guys.
Sorry to be a burden RON.
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    GeekU Admin

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I'm sorry you got scolded, as you term it, but there are several reasons that you might not get a reply right away, and several reasons that repeated posts don't help you.

1) We're all volunteers, and not all of us know everything about every problem that's posted. If other posts are getting replies, it may be because someone who read that one happened to know the answer.

2) If you reply to your own thread in an effort to bump it, it appears that you're receiving help because there are replies. Therefore, someone may not read your original post.

3) We have members and helpers from all over the world. The person who might know the answer to your question could possibly be asleep, at work, having dinner, or have some other reason they haven't had a chance to reply.

4) The rules of the waiting room state that you must have waited 3 days for help before posting there. We expect our members to follow the rules of the board.

Many people who post here feel there problem is urgent and they should receive immediate help, but the fact of the matter is, we can't help everyone immediately. Some people wait for several days before receiving help. This is a free service, and as I said, we're all volunteers. It's simply not fair to expect immediate help.

You're welcome to stick around - as I said, someone may come along that can help you with your problem.
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