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wireless connection

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i bought a compaq a few days ago and it came with windows vista installed on it.

my mom has a compaq also and hers has xp. we have cable internet using a modem. since my computer wasnt connected to the internet we went out and bought a belkin g router, not the best hopefully not the worst.

after a few problems we finally got the router hooked up correctly and her computer is having a great connection.

mine on the other hand is not detecting the wireless connection and of course isnt connecting to the internet.

ive been to many forums and tried...run <enter> netsh <enter> ipv6 <enter> reset...that didnt work.

im not too smart about all the computer terms...isp, ip, firewall, etc...im not computer illiterate im just not a computer genius. id really like to get connected to the internet...so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Thank you!!!!
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Forgive me but you do have a wireless adaptor/card in your computer?
If not, you need to get one. You cannot pick up wireless without one.
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