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photoshop cs keyboard shortcuts

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i'm using photoshop cs and for some reason the ctrl key combinations arent working (ctrl+spacebar is the only one to work). Even if I try to create a new one, it is as if certain combination are blocked. I like to use crtl++ & crtl+- to zoom in & out and several others.
At a lose.
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  • PipPipPip
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Sometimes in Photoshop your shortcuts or some tools (especially the transform tool) just bum out for some reason and start working improperly (or not at all). Make sure you're working on the actual canvas and are not in the layers panel or menu's. Alternatively, save your document, close photoshop and reopen it. If it still persists, try altering your shortcuts by pressing alt+shift+ctrl+k. Also, check that your caps lock is switched off, this can actually influence some of the stuff you do in Photoshop (though i'm not sure it will influence shortcuts). If all this fails I'm at a loss....
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