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2 OS on one PC

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can anyone help..?

i am wanting to have Logic pro(the latest version) on my Pc but...it vista so i cant......

so i was think is it possible to have apples OSX and vista on 1 pc

if so .. how???
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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to my knowledge there is no legal liscence to have a dual boot platform on one machine.
I do not believe that you can have Vista, and osx on one machine.
The best thing that you can do is set up different operating systems on different machines.
There are a lot of people who have 2, 3, 4, Etc... computers with different operating systems.
Even if you used virtual machine you can not liscence osx on a Windows machine.
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The only way u can get apple OSX and vist on same machine, is by getting a mac and u can run vista in Boot Camp i belive.
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We all would know that if that could happen, we would all be happy :)
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The Admiral

The Admiral

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There are ways of putting OSX on an Intel-based PC. It is expressly against the OSX EULA to put OSX on a non Macintosh computer, however some users skirt this by saying that they purchased the license and can use the OS on whatever computer they want. The OSX86 project is a large one, and you can find more information at insanelymac.com

If I had violated the EULA of my license of OSX and put Leopard on my Dell Inspiron 1520, I would tell you that it works beautifully. But.... yeah.
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