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Computer Information Systems

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  • PipPipPip
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Hey guys,

I am currently enrolled at DeVry University Online completing my basics and Web graphic Design Major. After this major I willl be transferring to another College called Missouri State University. They offer a course called Computer Information Systems, but I'm not sure it's what I want. I am wanting to be able to have a degree in building computers, fixing them, Working with programs in computers, etc... Does anyone have any ideas what I need to take?
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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the CIS program at MSU seems to focus completely on programming and IT management and not at all on hardware or computer systems themselves so if you're wanting to do programming that looks like the way to got

you might want to sit down with the counselor at MSU and describe what you're wanting to do when you graduate and they can help guide you to the right courses
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Okay, Thank you..,
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