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Enter the 4th Dimension

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As far as ...understands, the 4th dimension exists, but some would say it doesn't.
Anyways whatever goes, goes.

Have fun :)
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Previous message here was what was said in the video link from youtube found below.

Edited by gr8joel, 25 November 2008 - 12:21 PM.

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    OT Moderator

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But is the fourth dimension space, or is it time?

The fourth dimension as time

Often, when a reference is made to the fourth dimension, it is the temporal interpretation which is meant. In this case, the four coordinates are understood to represent 3 dimensions of space plus 1 dimension of time. Such a space is called a Minkowski space or "(3 + 1)-space",[2] and is the space used in Einstein's theories of special relativity and general relativity.

The fourth dimension as space

The fourth dimension may also be interpreted in the spatial sense: a space with literally 4 spatial dimensions, 4 mutually orthogonal directions of movement. This space, known as 4-dimensional Euclidean space, is the space used by mathematicians when studying geometric objects such as 4-dimensional polytopes.

Source: http://en.wikipedia....ourth_dimension

It was a pretty interesting read :)
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Here is a nice little link that I found made by a person, who explains the 4th spatial dimension. its really cool if you have 6 minutes to spare.

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