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Vista- IE problem

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Hello- I use Vista, with AVAST anti virus. When I launch my IE, and specifically go to my.aol.com, sometimes when I close it down, it will launch an infinite number of new AOL IE windows, forcing me to shut the computer down.

It seems like an aol directed virus, but I can't seem to find any such virus, so must be a bug of some sort?

Heres the Hijack this File:

Edited by sari, 09 February 2009 - 10:26 PM.
Removed HJT log

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Hi, my name’s Cody, and I’m working with the Internet Explorer Outreach Team to help answer questions that users might have about their copies of Internet Explorer.
If you still haven’t been able to resolve your issue, a pretty simple solution that might work for you could be attempting to update to the latest version of the browser, Internet Explorer 8 RC1. This edition is stable and secure, and since it is considered a “release candidate,” (as opposed to a beta) it will be nearly identical to the soon to be officially released version of the browser. Here’s a link to the download: http://www.microsoft...x?ocid=ie8_sm_a
I hope this was helpful, let me know if this works. If not, let me know, and I’ll see if I can point you towards some other resources that might resolve your issue.
Internet Explorer Outreach Team
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