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Novice to the Cannon HF10 and ImageMixer3. In desperate need of help as I have two girls that need to finish a school problem. The problem: No issues with shooting on the camera, successfully downloaded software, and was able to save video to the ImageMixer Library. When we went to playback, player showed a pink screen (no video), but audio was present. This would crash the computer within seconds, and result in a blue screen. I disabled the display drivers, and had windows reinstall on restart. We were then able to playback cleanly, with no pink screen or crashing, but the video is staggered, and not in sync with the audio......it seems choppy. Can anyone assist.......we need clean playback in order to edit and to transfer to disc for their project. SO MANY THANKS FOR ANYONE THAT CAN ASSIST ON THIS SCHOOL PROJECT! Thanks!
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