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An offline Wikipedia?

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Hey everyone. I was wondering if there was a way to download the whole Wikipedia for offline access. I know that Wikimedia provides HTML dumps of June 2008 (a lot has probably changed since then....) but I want to be able to search through these pages, almost like accessing Wikipedia normally. Images would be a plus, but it seems there are no image snapshots...
I use a Mac, but I can live with a Windows solution via VMWare. I've read that you need to set up a server in order to use Wikipedia offline?? Is that the easiest way?
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Major Payne

Major Payne

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Wikipedia:Database download

Encyclopodia is a free software project that brings the Wikipedia, which is one of the largest encyclopedias in the world, to the Apple iPod. Encyclopodia can be installed on iPod genarations one to four, as well as on iPod Minis and Photo iPods.

How to: Download Wikipedia and Use Offline

Uncle Google
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