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Shower curtain?

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Does it happen to anybody that you are taking a shoer and the shower curtain starts getting closer to you like there is wind from the other side?
anybody knows why?

Edited by sari, 12 February 2010 - 06:39 AM.
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Hm, i would assume its because the little kid from the Grudge is on the other side. :)

Actually i have no idea, ha.

Maybe the steam building up in the bathroom forcing it closer to the nearest surface?
The wall behind/side you.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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it's the temperature differential...the shower air is typically warmer than the rest of the room (or house air) so it rises to the ceiling which pushes colder air down to fill the void left by the hot air rising. that creates wind. it's called convection

this is also the process that causes wind outside....it's warmer somewhere and colder somewhere else so the air has to move around to fill the gaps

Edited by dsenette, 12 February 2010 - 01:23 PM.

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I don't think he will be back to read the reply. :)
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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ah....didn't even read it....who knows. someone else who has no concept of thermodynamics might come back to read it
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Laurie ann

Laurie ann


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Well I came in and read your reply dsenette, though truthfully I only came in because I was curious who would post a question about shower curtains in here lol.
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Unfortunately he's smarter than most people think.
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