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I have lost my desktop and about 3gb worth of data HELP!

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  • PipPip
  • 22 posts

I need urgent help pleaase!

I have vista on and a toshiba laptop 3gb ram, 32 operatingsystem.

I was accessing a filme names C:\Users\*user*\downloads where i had accidentally created an icon for the desktop. I tried to delete it but it kept deleting my desktop. So i kept restoring it etc.

Then it suddenly put all of desktop into a folder called "new folder" on the desktop and then some reason said it was the same thing. Now everything from the desktop has dissapeared and I can not find it when I search for it on my computer. Moreover, when I open C:\Users\*user*\ all the icons of the folders are reprsented by their consequtive function e.g. Music folder are represented by a music icon etc but the icon for the desktop has become similar to one if i created a "new folder". when i compare properties of the desktop within C:\Users\*user*\ the desktop folder doesnt contain a "location" tab.

Can anyone help me? ASAP!

I need to retain the contenets of my desktop (which according to Computer have been lost as the gb's free has increased :SS


Thank you very much
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