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Connecting a PS3 to a LCD monitor

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I'm just wondering if I can do this and how effective it would be. I think my LCD monitor is 21.5". It's a Samsung Syncmaster 2233, and I bought it last year. When I bought this, I swear one of their reps said I could bring it to college and even play Xbox on it.

And that's just what I might do. Except with a PS3. I'm thinking of bringing this monitor along instead of buying a brand new, smaller sized HDTV. I'm going to need to buy a new PS3 to bring along, but I'm just wondering if this is possible or not.

I'm not a huge tech guy, so I wouldn't know. But I have a feeling it's possible (I hope!)

My monitor doesn't have its own speakers either, so if I'm going to get a PS3 I'll probably need to get a new headphones or something w/ a mic so I can use it for online gaming.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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if this is your monitor, then you should be able to connect the PS/3 to it with an HDMI to DVI-D adapter. the monitor has VGA or DVI-D connections and the only connection on the PS/3 that i can see that's compatible would be the HDMI with an adapter
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