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Seperating audio through different audio ports

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I have a HP Pavilion Slimlime, running Vista 64. I have a "Realtec High Definition Audio" sound card, I believe. Heres the question. I have a headphone jack that splits into a pair of audio cables which I have connected to my home stereo for great sounding mp3's and cd's. This is plugged into the headphone jack on the front of the computer. The problem is that while jamming to my favorite tunes I get a loud click or ding or "you've got mail" mixed in with it depending on what I'm working on. I have the audio cord for my speakers in my monitor plugged into the rear audio port on the computer. I would love to be able to seperate computer sounds and send them to the monitor speakers and keep only my rockin' beats going through my big speakers. Any ideas with my current equipment?
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