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Vista won't boot, blue screen, reboots. repeat

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I'm not sure if this is malware related or not, I assume it is.

Computer wont boot, it gets to the screen with the windows loading bar at the bottom, after 3 or 4 of the bar loading the system is sent to a blue screen.
Posted Image

Computer reboots and repeats. Same thing when trying to boot into safe mode.

When I boot to windows vista CD, and go to repair. It fails and when I look at the "Startup Repair Diagnosis and repair details" everything shows as successful and then this:

Root cause found:
Bugcheck 6f. Parameters= 0xc0000020, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0.
Boot critical file c:\windows\system32\smss.exe is missing.

Repair action: File repair
Result: Failed. Error code = 0x4005
Time taken = 1888 ms

Repair action: System Restore
Result: Failed. Error code = 0x2
Time taken = 109684 ms

Repair action: System files integrity check and repair
Result: Failed. Error code = 0x4005
Time taken = 1810 ms

Where do I go from here? Please help :D. Thanks everyone!

Edited by BDahlin, 11 March 2011 - 12:07 PM.

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Updated Original post with details! :D
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