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Windows update - error codes 80070490 and 800700C1

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My windows update isn't working so well which never really bodes well. The main problem is that it will constantly try to install two updates which are KB971029 and KB2393802. If I install KB2393802 using the install shield over the power off icon it claims to be successful but 2 minutes after restart and install, the install shield is back over the power off icon and the update is back in the available updates list. KB971029 shows to have failed with error code 80070490.

If I attempt to install either of these updates with the windows standalone installer I get the error code 800700C1 with the update KB2393802 and an error message that "the update does not apply to your system" with update KB971029.

The windows installer program itself seems to be damaged as it will not store any changes made to it. If I go to change settings and check or uncheck any box or choose a new setting in any drop down menu, if I close the window or navigate from that page (after clicking ok and accepting the changes), every setting is back to default when I open change settings again. I may be wrong but I'd assume that was the main problem and not the actual updates themselves.

These two updates have been constantly failing and reinstalling for a good month on a daily basis. I've tried numerous solutions with no success:

Wuauclt.exe is almost constantly running and trustedinstaller service is also running. The windows update service is running, I've checked using net start wuauserv in command prompt and windows update is checked to run in msconfig > services.

I have Norton 360 as my firewall and antivirus, and I have tried installing these updates with norton disabled. Norton 360 has been my antivirus for all previous windows updates so I don't think it's at fault as I've made no changes to it myself from previous updates.

I have tried to reregister every .dll file I could find mentioned on threads related to this problem. The only one I couldn't replace was smipi.dll and I've tried every suggestion I could find to get it done but so far haven't managed it; all I get is "you need permission to perform this action" no matter what permissions I change. It's likely a shot in the dark to replace it but it's annoying I can't replace it to find out.

I've used "rmdir /s %windir%\softwaredistribution\wuredir" in command prompt with wuauserv disabled and then re-enabled after.

I've run a few "sfc /scannow"'s in command prompt and the CBS log only shows a windows sidebar "settings.ini" error which I'm pretty confident has no affect on this problem.

I have attempted to install these updates in safe mode but the standalone installer and normal updater can't run in safe mode. I'm on a dial up type service and even just the installer wouldn't show up. The services and drivers needed to do a safe mode install just aren't there for me unfortunately.

I have tried using MicrosoftFixit50202.msi but it had no positive effect.

I've ran various virus scans in normal boot and safe mode and showed clean results.

Mcaffee was installed on this laptop from factory but I did use the removal tool to completely get rid of it.

I'm truly at a loss as to what to try next and would really appreciate any thoughts on this at all.

One last thought is that I can't be 100% sure if there is a virus causing this; I'm not the only user of this laptop for one. Just to be really sure it's not I'd like to include an OLT log but if it's too much to ask in one post I'd understand.

Edit: Completely forgot to say I'm using Vista 32 bit.

Edited by leftfeild, 21 March 2011 - 01:56 AM.

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"the update does not apply to your system" with update KB971029.

Dealing with this aspect first, is there any chance you have selected the wrong package.
ie: the 64 bit version of this update which is to disable autoruns on your CD .

Here is the link, to that update, but I suggest you read the implications of it before you decide you want it. , especially the related wirless aspect.

In relation to the problem in general - firstly try with your anti=-virus diabled, but obviously only on the update site or the direct download.
PLEASE REMEMBER to renable - that may sound basic, but I have known people forget..

I've used "rmdir /s %windir%\softwaredistribution\wuredir" in command prompt with wuauserv disabled and then re-enabled after.

Did you stop the service first - as below
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • Click Start,
  • Open an elevated command prompt.
  • .At the command prompt, type net stop wuauserv, and then press ENTER.
  • Type rmdir /s %windir%\softwaredistribution\wuredir, and then press ENTER.
  • Type net start wuauserv, and then press ENTER.
  • Try to install updates again.
Elevated means with admin privelages.
Method 1
  • Click on Start button.
  • Locate the Command Prompt menu item (buried deep inside Accessories under All Programs or appear on program access history).
  • Right click on Command Prompt.
  • On the pop-up right click context menu, select “Run as Administrator”.
Method 2

  • Click on Vista Start button.
  • Click on Run.
  • Type in “Cmd” (without quotes) in the Open textbox.
  • You should see “This task will be created with administrative privileges”.
  • Click on OK or press Enter.
The other update for direct download

If all of the above does not work
download this please and run it.
It is the system update readiness tool for Vista

and finally if still no success download that file from your Vista disc,
The offending file in question was SMIPI.dll. You can get it off of the Vista install disk or another working system. It's under C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_07289f4cca5f6990 . You'll have to take ownership under properties --> security --> advanced to actually copy over it.

Rename the existing smipi.dll
and then copy the file from the vista disc to the folder.


I'm on a dial up type service

Safe mode does not load modem drivers, that is why you cannot install in safe mode.

Edited by Macboatmaster, 21 March 2011 - 01:56 PM.

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Dealing with this aspect first, is there any chance you have selected the wrong package.
ie: the 64 bit version of this update which is to disable autoruns on your CD .

Here is the link, to that update, but I suggest you read the implications of it before you decide you want it. , especially the related wirless aspect.

In relation to the problem in general - firstly try with your anti=-virus diabled, but obviously only on the update site or the direct download.
PLEASE REMEMBER to renable - that may sound basic, but I have known people forget..

Did you stop the service first - as below
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

If all of the above does not work
download this please and run it.
It is the system update readiness tool for Vista

and finally if still no success download that file from your Vista disc,
The offending file in question was SMIPI.dll. You can get it off of the Vista install disk or another working system. It's under C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_07289f4cca5f6990 . You'll have to take ownership under properties --> security --> advanced to actually copy over it.

Rename the existing smipi.dll
and then copy the file from the vista disc to the folder.

Thank you for the reply.

I'm fairly certain it's the correct one: Windows6.0-KB971029-x86.msu. I'm using 32bit vista.

I didn't have any luck installing with my antivirus disabled. If needed, I'm prepared to completely uninstall Norton 360 and attempt to install the updates, then reinstall Norton. I did complete the step wuredir with the service stopped before, then restarted after using an elevated command prompt but it didn't have an effect.

The windows update readiness tool gave me these errors in the CheckSUR.log:

(f) CBS Registry Error 0x80070002 WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-CoreComp~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.2.6001.788 failed to get CurrentState
(f) CBS Registry Error 0x80070002 WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-CoreComp~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.2.6001.788 failed to get Visibility
(f) CBS Registry Error 0x80070002 WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-MiniLP~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~en-US~7.2.6001.788 failed to get CurrentState
(f) CBS Registry Error 0x80070002 WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-MiniLP~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~en-US~7.2.6001.788 failed to get Visibility
(f) CBS Registry Error 0x80070002 WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-UIComp~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.2.6001.788 failed to get CurrentState
(f) CBS Registry Error 0x80070002 WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-UIComp~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.2.6001.788 failed to get Visibility

Checking Component Store
(f) CSI Payload File Corrupt 0x00000000 smipi.dll x86_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6000.16386_none_07289f4cca5f6990

I've finally managed to replace smipi.dll but it hasn't resolved the problem unfortunately. All I did was replace smipi.dll with another copy in its folder, would I need to register the smipi.dll I replaced it with or anything or is a direct replacement fine? Rerunnning the update readiness tool once I'd replaced it, it still shows smipi.dll to be corrupt.

Edited by leftfeild, 21 March 2011 - 06:53 PM.

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Yes sorry I thought you realised from the detail of our post that you need to register the new file
Once saved on your desktop

1. Move the file to the folder


2. Click Start, select Run and type regsvr32 smipi.dll
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I have just examined your post 3 now.

I regret to say that you appear to have serious registry corruption
Please note that getting this error is a serious hint towards an unstable system. Can be caused by a faulty hard drive or other hardware While some solutions may work , please create and test a backup of your system. You can easily get to the point where a complete reinstall is needed

You have not by any chance run some registry cleaner, booster or similar have you.

Presuming that you will NOT have done.
1. Have you had any BSOD. If so please post the minidump analysis using this
Run the program, click analyse, scroll down for results.
Copy and paste pls to reply.

2. Download Event Viewer
  • Please download the Event Viewer Tool by Vino Rosso VEW and save it to your Desktop:
  • Double-click VEW.exe
  • Under 'Select log to query', select (as appropriate):
    • Application
    • System
  • Under 'Select type to list', select (as appropriate):
    • Error
    • Information
    • Warning
Then use the 'Date of events' or 'Number of events' as follows:

  • Click the radio button for 'Number of events'
    Type 3 in the 1 to 20 box (or any number from 1 to 20)
    Then click the Run button.
    Notepad will open with the output log.
  • Click the radio button for 'Date of events'
    In the From: boxes type today's date (presuming the crash happened today) a suitable date - say three days ago
    In the To: boxes type today's date
    Then click the Run button.
    Notepad will open with the output log.
Please post the Output log in your next reply
This part of the post with ack to rshaffer61

3. I would also run a full chkdsk ie: chkdsk /r. Either in an command prompt when presumably it will be chkdsk C: /r
OR in the GUIO on My Computer, right click the drive, properties, tools, error checking etc. check both to run the file errors and bad sector check.

4. If you have not scanned with Malwarebytes please do so
If that finds anything the matter is then out of my hands., as on this site ONLY certified advisors can deal with infections.
Post the reply and I will redirect you to the Malware forum.

Finally I am not suggesting that we are at this stage YET but in case you need it here are the instructions for a repair installation.


Please do not do that yet.
Depending on your reply post I will advise you further.

Edited by Macboatmaster, 21 March 2011 - 07:59 PM.

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I have signed off now.
I will be back about 1800 Uk time.
It is now 0215 hrs.
I will resume on your reply.
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Please follow Macboatmaster's suggestion first. I am adding a link for the Norton Removal Tool HERE if later you both decide to go with that direction.
Please do not run this unless you both agree as it will leave you unprotected from malware.
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Thanks for the replies again.

I ran a disk check but it didn't find anything to change and the problem persists. I haven't had any BSOD's to report back with unfortunately. I also don't use any "registry cleaning" or "boosting" software; they're just not the kind of software I want on my machine for obvious reasons.

I've ran various virus scans with malware bytes, norton 360 and spybot S&D in normal boot and safe mode but there were no infections found with any.

I've decided to bite the bullet and simply restore this machine back to factory settings. It's a preinstalled os so it looks like it would be a pain to repair install without the disks. It's not that I'm doubting anyone here wouldn't be able to help fix this problem, it just seems the simplest solution. My whole system seems slower including startup so it's likely in my best interest to do it and learn from it.

Almost all threads I've seen with these errors have all come to the conclusion that a complete restore was the only viable option left. I figured once windows update had corrupted there was bound to be other problems; it's just never a good sign. I don't have a ton of data to lose and I'm able to backup anything I need before I do to an external.

I should really have kept complete backups before now so lesson learned! If all goes well I should be able to report back that the restore to factory settings was successful and this problem is fixed the brutal way. Seems a bit of a cop out but I appreciate the assistance so far.

Edited by leftfeild, 22 March 2011 - 02:18 AM.

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Doing a system restore is your choice in the end and we will respect your wishes.
You can try a sfc to replace or repair the system files and also a Linux Live cd to gain access to your data to save it.

Go HERE and read the tutorial that shows how to do SFC or System File Checker and running in a Elevated Command Prompt in Vista and Win7.

If that fails to work then you can try the following to get to your data to save.

Use Puppy Linux Live CD to Recover Your Data:

***Required Hardware***
CD Burner (CDRW) Drive,
Blank CD,
Extra Storage Device (USB Flash Drive, External Hard Drive)


1. Save these files to your Desktop/Burn Your Live CD:
  • Download Latest Puppy Linux ISO (i.e.: lupu-520.iso)
    Download BurnCDCC ISO Burning Software

  • Open BurnCDCC with Windows Explorer
  • Extract All files to a location you can remember
  • Double Click Posted Image BurnCDCC
  • Click Browse Posted Image and navigate to the Puppy Linux ISO file you just downloaded
  • Open/Double Click that file
    IMPORTANT: Adjust the speed bar to CD: 4x DVD: 1x
  • Click Start Posted Image
  • Your CD Burner Tray will open automatically
  • Insert a blank CD and close the tray
  • Click OK
Puppy Linux Live CD will now be created
2. Set your boot priority in the BIOS to CD-ROM first, Hard Drive Second
  • Start the computer/press the power button
  • Immediately start tapping the appropriate key to enter the BIOS, aka "Setup"
    (Usually shown during the "Dell" screen, or "Gateway" Screen)
  • Once in the BIOS, under Advanced BIOS Options change boot priority to:
    CD-ROM 1st, Hard Drive 2nd
  • Open your ROM drive and insert the disk
  • Press F10 to save and exit
  • Agree with "Y" to continue
  • Your computer will restart and boot from the Puppy Linux Live CD

    Posted Image

3. Recover Your Data
  • Once Puppy Linux has loaded, it is actually running in your computer's Memory (RAM). You will see a fully functioning Graphical User Interface similar to what you normally call "your computer". Internet access may or may not be available depending on your machine, so it is recommended you print these instructions before beginning. Also, double clicking is not needed in Puppy. To expand, or open folders/icons, just click once. Puppy is very light on resources, so you will quickly notice it is much speedier than you are used to. This is normal. Ready? Let's get started.

    3a. Mount Drives
  • Click the Mount Icon located at the top left of your desktop. Posted Image
  • A Window will open. By default, the "drive" tab will be forward/highlighted. Click on Mount for your hard drive.
  • Assuming you only have one hard drive and/or partition, there may be only one selection to mount.
  • USB Flash Drives usually automatically mount upon boot, but click the "usbdrv" tab and make sure it is mounted.
  • If using an external hard drive for the data recovery, do this under the "drive" tab. Mount it now.
3b. Transfer Files.
  • At the bottom left of your desktop a list of all hard drives/partitions, USB Drives, and Optical Drives are listed with a familiar looking hard drive icon.
  • Open your old hard drive i.e. sda1
  • Next, open your USB Flash Drive or External Drive. i.e. sdc or sdb1
  • If you open the wrong drive, simply X out at the top right corner of the window that opens. (Just like in Windows)
  • From your old hard drive, drag and drop whatever files/folders you wish to transfer to your USB Drive's Window.
For The Novice: The common path to your pictures, music, video, and documents folders is: Documents and Settings >> All Users (or each idividual name of each user. CHECK All Names!) >> Documents >> You will now see My Music, My Pictures, and My Videos.

Remember to only click once! No double clicking! Once you drag and drop your first folder, you will notice a small menu will appear giving you the option to move or copy. Choose COPY each time you drag and drop.

YOU ARE DONE!!! Simply click Menu >> Mouse Over Shutdown >> Reboot/Turn Off Computer. Be sure to plug your USB Drive into another working windows machine to verify all data is there and transferred without corruption. Congratulations!

Posted Image

Posted Image

If you're doing this to recovery from a virus or malware infection, (or even if you're not), DO NOT copy executable files (.exe, .scr. etc...) if any of these files are infected you could be copying the corruption over to any new device/computer. just copy documents, pictures, music, or videos.

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Well it is your decision but before I went down that road I would have run the event viewer program, I sent you, it may just have given us another lead.
Also we could have attempted a registry repair.
and a number of other options before going back to factory install.
Have you checked if you have a recovery option, other than the drastic step you are contemplating.

NB. Typing this just before the Moderator rshaffer61. posted.

Having secured your data with Puppy, I would still consider a few other possible remedies if a system restore point does not work, before restoring to - as sold condition.

Edited by Macboatmaster, 22 March 2011 - 08:02 AM.

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