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Blue Screen of Death Problem

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Hey there, I've been having a problem with my laptop, and I'm hoping that this is the right place to put this. I'll get, pretty consistently (1 - 2 times a day during operation) a BSOD, which will always refer to my tcpip.sys. I'm hoping that you guys will be able to help me out with this, so here is everything I can think to put here are the moment.

ASUS Notebook G73J Series
Operating System:
Windows 7, Premium, 64bit
Display adapter type ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870
Network Adapter Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter
Network Adapter Atheros AR8131 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)
Network Adapter Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)

As for my BSOD information, here it is as follows:
Bug Check Code: 0x000000d1
Parameter 1: 00000000'00000000
Paramater 2: 00000000'00000002
Parameter 3: 00000000'00000000
Parameter 4: fffff880'01a8a720
Caused by Driver: tcpip.sys
Caused by Address: tcpip.sys+89720
Processor: x64
Crash Address: ntoskrnl.exe+70700

Hope that helps, and here's hoping you guys can come up with something (I'm sure you can though).
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Does this happen while connected wirelessly or wired (or both)? I would look for updated drivers for both adapters.

Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter
Atheros AR8131 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller

Up didn't say is you have the h or v model but I think they both have the same network devices.

This is the ASUS page for the drivers: Atheros LAN drivers

If they are the same level as you currently, you cando a Google search for each one and see if there are later versions available.
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Usually happens when I am connected wirelessly. I haven't tried much in the means of going through a wired connection, but I have noted that it doesn't seem to happen when I'm not connected to the internet. I'll try updating them as you suggested, and let you know how that goes. Thanks for the help.
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