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Error Code trying to copy files from old CDs 0x80070571

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Lori Sorrells

Lori Sorrells

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I am a professional photographer, and have a collection of CDs burned in 2002, 2003 from a copy/restoration artist I used back then. She would periodically give me CDs with multiple client files on them. Until now, I never had reason to access these files. I am trying to copy them to my PC running Windows 7 home edition so I can burn off a new CD for a client who wishes to purchase his files and make more prints. I would like to copy over all the disks and sort for all the clients, but am having problems.

Some disks will copy images just fine. Others have a some files that will and some that wont. The files I need right now are on a disk that won't let me copy anything. They are mainly PSD files made from her Mac, and when I try and copy I get this message: "Error 0x80070571 the Disk structure is corrupted and unreadable." I have searched for answers but all other posts related to this error code seem to be caused by external drives or other issues that are different than my circumstances.

What causes this? Why can I get some files off of a disk but not others? If I try and drag and drop them to Photoshop, nothing happens at all. I have tried the disk on three different PCs, each running a different OS... Windows 7, Vista and XP. On XP it wont even give me the error code.

Is this a lost cause? Can the disk be saved through another source? I have never had this problem before not with any computer, drive or media. I hope someone can help me.

Thank you in advance.
Lori Sorrells
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Try it on different computers. Sometimes the change in hardware will allow you to read them.

Another possibility would be to try making a copy of them at the slowest speed your computer supports. I know this sounds silly but I've seen it work.
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Is it possible to see if the files will copy from the disc on a Mac O/S, as you say you have tried on three different computers but all running windows. - at least you would then know that the files are good.
Photoshop files are of course - supposed to open on any O/S, so providing they were created using photshop on the Mac they should open in Windows on photoshop

Do the files have the PSD (Photoshop doument file) extension - am I correct in thinking that although they will not copy, you can see the files.

Have you tried maximise compatability in photoshop

There is an option in Photoshop preferences called "Maximize PSD File Compatibility" (under menu Edit > Preferences > File Handling).
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Lori Sorrells

Lori Sorrells

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Try it on different computers. Sometimes the change in hardware will allow you to read them.

Another possibility would be to try making a copy of them at the slowest speed your computer supports. I know this sounds silly but I've seen it work.

Each of my three computers operate at different speeds, and I don't have a Mac to try. The fact that some files can be copied off the disk and even opened from the disk, and others on the same disk cannot is puzzling.

How do I copy them at a slower speed? My main computer is a quad core running an Athlon II X4 620 processor at 2.6 Ghz. But even my 8 yr old Power Spec, which is the slowest, using I think Pentium II can do nothing for me.

Thank you anyway..
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Lori Sorrells

Lori Sorrells

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Is it possible to see if the files will copy from the disc on a Mac O/S, as you say you have tried on three different computers but all running windows. - at least you would then know that the files are good.
Photoshop files are of course - supposed to open on any O/S, so providing they were created using photshop on the Mac they should open in Windows on photoshop

Do the files have the PSD (Photoshop doument file) extension - am I correct in thinking that although they will not copy, you can see the files.

Have you tried maximise compatability in photoshop

There is an option in Photoshop preferences called "Maximize PSD File Compatibility" (under menu Edit > Preferences > File Handling).

My Photoshop is set to "Ask" with regards to maximizing compatibility. I can only see PSD icons, no thumbnails, even if I go thru the bridge. Each one has a lock on it, but I figure that is because the disk is read only. There are also some Tiffs on this disk, which also won't copy or open, and a few file extensions I have never seen... "acv" and "asv". They may not be important, as it is the Tiffs and Psds I mainly need.

I did change my maximize setting to "always" but there is no difference.

I appreciate the help... is there any possiblity that an outside service can recover the information from this disk? Like they do with hard drives?
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If of course the files are corrupted in some way then you have a problem but TIFF (Tagged Image File format) files can be opened in Windows 7 using Windows Photo Viewer

As to the no thumbnails

NOTE please I have no knowledge of the correctness of what is offered. I have never used it
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My apologies, I don't know how I missed your saying you had already tried other computers.

Try this: CD Recovery Toolbox Free

I've never used it but it's worth a try.

Are the CDs scratched or damaged in any way?

Read here as well: Attempt to Recover Data from Damaged CD / DVD
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Lori Sorrells

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Thanks, Rich, I will check those out. There is no damage to the CDs, in fact, I dont' think they were ever used or opened since we got them. That puts about 10 years on them... so maybe it is just age. Maybe they were corrupt files from the start, but I'll try your resources, because I think it is the Disks themselves, not the computer or OS. The fact that some files will come off but not others on the same disk is what is puzzling.

Thanks, all for your help. I'll post a follow up if I find a solution or not.

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I would also try the IrfanView I sent you on the link and see if that will open them.
There are a number of suggestions on that link, for difficulties in opening PSD and TIFF files.
The link about these issues is 9 pages long = you may find it needs each suggestion checking out.


and I still think that, although you say you do not have a Mac O/S, you should try your best to have the disc checked in a Mac system, as that is of course what it was made on. Albeit in essence if all that was copied was the images it should not make a difference.

It may also be worthwhile seeing if the images would open, booting the system from Puppy, removing the Puppy Cd and then inserting the images CD, presuming of course that you do not have TWO optical drives. The reason I suggest this is that sometimes Windows will not open a file, but Puppy a linux based system which runs in your ram, will do.

Do you, please see any merit in the Puppy suggestion
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Lori Sorrells

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My schedule has been too busy to check out your suggestions, but I will get to them later in the week and let you know.
Thanks again.
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It can't hurt to try Puppy Linux but I doubt it will make a difference. Sure sounds like the CDs are defective. Hopefully the CD Recovery Toolbox will help.
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Spirit Wolfe

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What types of CD media were they (the Manufacturer), not that it makes much difference now (hindsight and all), but Taiyo Yuden media has been one of (if not THE) best for longevity of data on burned media. Then comes Verbatim. I have done a lot with burning media and I have yet to have issues with both of those Media Manufactures. Check out the SuperMediaStore , if you wish.

I do not purchase blank CD / DVD / Blue Ray media at local stores (Staples, Wal Mart, K-Mart, etc.) because the error rate is so high per burn percentage.

There is a nice FREE program called ImgBurn that I use to burn all of my CDs / DVDs / Blue Rays and to make ISO files (an exact image of the CD / DVD / Blue Ray) media and then I use a Virtual Drive program that allows me to mount the media image as if I was accessing the data from a physical CD / DVD / Blue Ray player or burner. By making an image of the CD you MIGHT be able to pull more of your images off from the image rather than from the physical disc itself. The Virtual Drive Program that I use is SlySoft's Virtual Clone Drive.

I was also able to pull up some more corrupt files this way...

Hope this helps...

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Lori Sorrells

Did you find time to look at the issue further

Just wondered how you went on.
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Lori Sorrells

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Hello, yes, I wanted to tell you that I explored those links, tried a couple of programs that would supposedly pull off files from a damanged CD, but they did not work. Finally, a tech friend of mine took them to see if they would open on a Mac. He told me that he was having success, but I have yet to get the new files. I will post my final rezponse after I see those, which should be this week.

In short, nothing worked except for opening them on a Mac. I don't know what model, but he is a college student in graphic design, so I'm gessing not the latest versions.

thanks for the follow up, and all the advice.
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Thanks hope you finally get them
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