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Just Asking

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Hello Everybody I just wanna ask if where in the internet I can get good tutorials about computer security and computer troubleshooting.. any reply is appreciated..


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Depends really on what you are looking for. Have you tried the tutorials forum to see if anything is there?
Also networking will help with the security issues. Troubleshooting is such a broad wording as that could mean hardware, software, maintenance, security or diagnostics.
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Thank you for the reply.. uhmm. Well what I mean in computer security is all about computer system... in computer troubleshooting is all about hardware and software.. thanks..

By the way i tried to download some PDF's and then read them my spare time, that's the only way I find, and to research...

Thanks again! :thumbsup:
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Hardware and Software is one of those areas that is broad because you have so many different components of a system.
Just as a example I just did a check for Computer Hardware Troubleshooting and got over 14 million results HERE.

Security related searches resulted in over 6 million results being shown HERE.
I have spent the last 15 years or so working on systems in some capacity or another and I can tell you there is no shortage of information online. I am more inclined to recommend you look at sites like here at GTG and you can read through the topics on different issues and even visit the tutorial forum. There you can read just on one specific issue and how to correct it.
What are you in the end trying to do if I may ask?
Is this just for personal information or to advance your education?
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